I'm definately going to try BF, seems very natural thing to do to imo. I'm the same Rowesb, think we have two bottles, and two dummies that were given to us, but I haven't gone buying any for fear I'll give in. Afterall, there is a 24hour tesco about 5 mins away from me so it's not an impossible feat if needs really must.
I have to say my main concern was being 'able' to feed properly as I had a rather sizeable lump removed from under my right nipple when I was 16 and really wasn't sure what damage had been done. Seems things are working as I already have quite a bit of leaking!! (I never thought I'd be so happy about that!!). Mervs Mum is there anything we should be doing to get our bodies 'ready' for feeding?? There's all sorts of old wives tales about how to harden your nipples and the rest and some are down right scarey, or are our bodies doing it all already?