breast or bottle

Kerrykins i didnt intend to with my first but my OH persuaded me to. No one will think bad of you for not breastfeeding. Every mum has a choice on how they feed their child same as every mum decides whether to use disposable or reusable nappies. How you feed your child doesnt reflect on the type of mum you are. Im sure everyone here no matter their choices do the best by their children. And good luck to you with the twins!! xx
I will have to get out of bed to change the baby's bum anyway so i dont think that would really sway my decision, Plus a bottle warmer takes a couple of minutes to warm up and it will be in my bedroom.
I will try my best to BF but i really think it won't happen, i get grossed out by the drawings in the booklets they give you. I will try and you never know maybe i will love it but if i don't im not going to feel bad about bottle feeding. I would have bought a steriliser anyway for dummies and teething toys to be put in now and again, ive bought some breast to bottle type bottles in case i can express and breastfeed or Formula feed.
I do think that some breast feeding mums (not all) really are snobheads when it comes to breastfeeding and think that they somehow are better mum's because they Breastfeed, My sister in law was like that, would sit blowing cig smoke in baby's face while drinking a bottle or two of wine but telling everyone how much better it was to Breastfeed etc...
BTW i don't mean snobheads nasty its a word i use when people are stuck up and try to make the way they do things look better than the way anyone else does things.

Thanks! I'm in no way a snobhead, I find these posts end up like this, and I always end up getting upset by them. There is a breast v bottle post every week and every week I feel more and more upset by my decision to breastfeed.

You do what you need to do to feed your child. I personally didn't want to spend hundreds on formula, bottles etc. But obviously this is a given if you do decide to formula feed from the start.

I'm stepping away from this post as all I've tried to illustrate is to form your own opinion and to try and think that people read these posts and may get upset. It's not nice to read that some women are repulsed by breastfeeding. Makes me feel stupid for doing it, and that I'm not being supported in my decision to feed my child

It wasn't aimed at you at all, thats why i said some people (not all) -- i don't think giving information makes you a snobhead and sorry you got upset but it wasn't aimed at anyone really appart from the sister in law and the odd person who i have heared call bottle feeding mum's lazy etc, judging an entire person on the fact that they bottle feed i find to be a shitty thing to do, When most breastfeeding mums say that one of the pro's is its actually easier to breastfeed.

I am squeemish by the image of breastfeeding a lot of women are, and i won't lie about that i am still going to try, and i would have spent the money on bottles to express anyway, breastfeeding mums are supported massivly, they get more care from the midwife as one lady (maybe you i can't remember) said and there are groups etc, if you can breastfeed great and want to give out helpful information brilliant but sometimes it can turn into pressure and judgment and thats when i think it turn's into 'your not a good mum if you dont' arguments.
Everyone should just respect each others decision, whether you want to bf or bottle. It's up to you. No one should be made to feel bad whatever decision they make. Both options are perfectly acceptable.x
When I was pregnant, i felt weird about breastfeeding for the same reason - was weird thinking someone will be sucking on my nipples but i always knew i was going to try.
In the end it feels great to me feeding my baby, it does feel natural, maybe its hormones.

Kerrykins, just wondering if you considered expressing colostrum for the first couple of days, from what i understand its the colostrum thats very important for the immune system (as babies dont have one straight away). Hopefully you will have someone to helpin the first weeks, it will be indeed handsful
I'm going to breastfeed, couldn't handle it with my son for very long, this time I'm more determined and understand how hard bottle feeding is too!

I don't believe there's any such thing as your milk not coming in people just give up too soon and understandably so it's soooo hard!!

I'm contemplating buying bottles and a cheap steriliser but keeping them at mum's house as a last resort, I'll have to get through her before I get them. Last time the bottles and things were just there waiting for me, and my partner at the time didn't have 2 brain cells to rub together (still doesn't - twat), and thought it'd be better to formula feed the whole time.
sorry to tri hop here but just want to say dont feel bad about bottle feeding hun.

There actually is such a thing as the milk not coming in... this will be my problem and hence why I will be bottlefeeding.
I have problems with my breasts in that my milk ducts have knotted themselves together into lumps and cysts. I have been told that milk wont come into them due to the severity of it, and if I did attempt to breastfeed, I will end up creating even more cysts which will mean surgery to remove them. Ive known this since I was 18 yrs old.

You need to feel happy in what you do and if thats bottle feeding then go for it hun xxxx
I've breastfeed Lilly exclusively and I loved it. It was bloody tough, the pain in the first 6 weeks as my nipples dried out and scabbed over as the toughened up was terrible and getting used to feeding her every 2 hours day and night for 5 months or so was also hard but I wouldn't have had it any other way. She is not lacking in bond with my OH, she's actually a daddy's girl and he didn't feel left out with the feeding, he enjoyed the extra sleep! Especially as he was working so hard. I will admit that it does annoy me a little that some people give up too easily as soon as it hurts a bit or they convince themselves baby isn't getting enough because they're crying a lot or various things because you have to prepare yourself for that (this isn't pointed to anyone here, a friend of mine just had her babba, tried it, it hurt a little, she gave up. It made me sad. Poor baby also had nipple confusion as she wacked a dummy in the poor kids mouth before he was even out of the womb. I hate those too, different thread though. :)). Yes it hurts, yes baby will seem to be constantly on the boob (oh joyful growth spurts) but now that Lilly only feeds once a day, my god I miss it! I loved every minute of breastfeeding, even the tough bits. I love the way she looked up at me, the way I'd pull a face and she'd giggle away and the way we used to fall asleep together at 3am.

I'm sorry for ranting a bit, there's only 2 things on the subject of babies that gets my goat and this is one of them. I have no problem with people that have a genuine reason not to breastfeed, be it medical, work related or even if they make a flat out decision to formula feed but I get sad when people try and don't give it they're all.

I read through this entire thread twice and got more and more wound up, so left without commenting. But had to come back. Just to say that in my opinion:

If one chooses not to breast feed then that's fine;
If one chooses to breast feed then that's also fine.

And it doesn't matter what the reasons are behind the decision.

It's no different to making a decision about whether to use a branded baby food or make your own. It's no different to making a decision about whether to use washable nappies or disposable. It's no different to making a decision about whether to have pain relief during labour or to do without.

At the end of the day, everyone should be able to do what they think is best for their child(ren) and their whole family - and that includes making decisions based on personal feelings, beliefs, or preference.

btw. I was unable to breastfeed my first child - initially because of medical reasons, then because the stress of trying became too much. I wish I could have done it successfully, but my son and our bonding experience has not suffered because I couldn't. And I actually felt pressured into trying in the first place - by my ex-husband, by family, by the breast feeding "specialists" that came to ante-natal classes etc. which made the whole thing more stressful and upsetting.

However, I do intend to try to breast feed this baby - but if it doesn't work out, I'm not going to kick myself over it. There's a reason companies are allowed to make baby formula - because it works!
nb. no direction for my previous post - wasn't aimed at anyone person or any one point of view - I just needed to share! x
I hate how breast/bottle feeding threads always end with someone becoming upset.
i bf my LO until she was 4.5 months old, yes it was tough for the first few weeks but then it became allot easier. its given us such a lovely close bond. i only gave up when i did because we discovered she's lactose intolerant & i struggled cutting out all dairy. when i hate Another one i plan to bf for allot longer! its each to their own though
These threads annoy me every one has a personal choice no one is right or wrong you do what's best for you I bottle fed my son and he's fine apart from autism and asthma but that's in the family intend to brest feed this one but will not belittle myself or allow someone else to for my choices in life everyone is different and right in there personal way I admire mums who bf and ff each is hard work with the same amount of no sleep lol xx
Whatever you choose to do is whats best for you and your bubs hunni

Personally never have bf never wanted to, wont be doing it this time,

Admire mums who do and great for those that do Like others have said its such a personal choice, it is such a shame mums are made to feel bad about their choices xxxxxxxx

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