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Breast Feed?? To Do or Not To Do!


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
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Im pregnant with baby number two and have been umming and arring if I should Breast feed or not? Running out of time to make a decision so thought id get some advice :)

With my son I didnt even consider breast feeding I just wanted to bottle feed. His healthy & happy so when I get told about the health benefits of breast feeding these dont really sway my choice as my son was fine on formula milk!

Heres the reasons that turn me off of breast feeding:

1. Sore Nipples
2. Not knowing how much the baby is taking
3. Having to express when I eventually go back to work?? I hate the thought of still producing milk when back to work and having to escape the office to express!

Would love some oppinions please

Thanks in advance :) xxx
i think no matter what you have to do what makes you feel more comfortable?! there are a lot of pro bfeeders on here and a lot of pro ffeeders but ultimately its you who has to live with the days in and out of your life spesh with a little baby.

I spose the thing to take in to consideration, is running around getting bottles ready/sterilising whilst you have the little one and baby ie time consumption.......

also, with regards to expressing, when my lo arrives IF i decide to BF (again for different reasons im kind of torn....) then i wouldnt express when i was back at work. i will put him/her on to a bottle of formula.

Could you not try it and see how you get on!?

Im tbh terrified of BF. the pressure i was under last time i think really effected me emotionally about it all. THere are a few things that are putting me off:

OH not being able to help with night feeds.
My LB feeling left out.
I had a crappy crappy time last time
and this sounds weird adn i know will get some bashing but even though i know its what boobs are there for it still kinda creeps me out a bit but from an intrigue perspective. not becausei think its a weird process. probs cos i need to understand every second of whats happening. and what i think would REALLY help me would be if a bfind mother let me watch (or stare im a bad starer by things that intrigue me) and ask questions detailed no holds barred qns about the processes etc.....

ok i rambled.

sorry if that didnt help....
That was a great help! Thanks so much! I think the reason why I didnt BF my son was because of all the pressure from people to do so... i just rebelled! lol

I think boobs are sexy and I do think they lose the sexiness when u think about BF lol

I have no idea what im going to do! I might just do as u said and give it a go! I definately couldnt BF in public tho, I just wouldnt feel comfortable! xxx
As squeakz said, do whatever you're more comfortable with. But if it helps i have been breast feeding my LO who is now 11days old from the beginning and i dont have sore nipples, he's definitely getting enough as he has put on 10oz in 6 days (plus he pees and poos loads and never screams cos he is hungry) and you can always change to formula when you go back to work. I feed on demand which can be heavy going at first especially at night but now my milk is in i can time the feeds better. My hubby still gets to cuddle and talk to him inbetween feeds and changes him lots. To be honest, i love breast feeding and its nice having that cuddle time with Fraser. I breast fed in public when he was 3days old and i find it much easier than having to prepare bottles (i did get some looks from people but dont actually care, if they want to say anything about it, bring it on!)
When are you going back to work? Your boobs will soon dry up if you are not feeding with them so I'm sure you could work around that concern. There is Lansinoh for sore nips while they toughen up but I can honestly say I didn't suffer that badly with sore nips.

Choosing to ff obviously doesn't sign your child up to illnesses but bf has plenty of health benefits. Your baby will be protected against colds/ear infections from the antibodies in your milk (which I can vouch works because I was very ill last week and T didn't catch it).

It's cheaper, quicker often and less hassle than ff.

It's not easy in the early days while your supply is getting established but after then it's a breeze.

Good luck with your decision.

Oh eta, as long as baby is weeing, pooing and gaining weight then he/she is getting enough.
I think its worth trying, some people dont have problems. I did have sore nipples but persevered and it soon disappeared.
You can find a list of benefits so.i.wont bother with it, ultimately its your decision but the reason i.tried is.because i wanted the best for my baby.
It did freak me out as i couldnt imagine doing it but it was actually amazing once i got through the first bit.
My friend exclusively BF but put baby on formula once in the nursery
Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Have you a baby cafe nearby? I went to mine at 37 weeks and it was one of the best things i did. I was able to ask questions i needed to and see breastfeeding mum's... It also gave me somewhere safe to go when i felt i was struggling as i wasn't entering an unknown group x

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I've never had sore nipples. It's not easy to start with. But also starting of Bf, doesn't mean your signing up for months of it. A little while of BM, even just the colostrum is great for you and baby.

I'd def have a go at starting, IMO it certainly makes nights easier.

I know what you mean about work, but in all honestly I find it easier to express at work than I'd cope with sorting bottles in the night - co sleeping means I can feed virtually asleep.


On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I agree on the night being easier. I BF and as soon as DD sqwarked I picked her up and fed her with the lights still off and she settled back to sleep really easily. One night we decided DH would try feeding DD a bottle of expressed milk. Once she cried, the light was on - she screamed louder, DH took 5 mins warming up the milk and in the end she wasn't happy to have it! All three of us ended up wide awake at a ridiculous hour.

BF is honestly v difficult for the first few weeks. But, once you get settled in a routine and your supply comes in and your nipples adjust its hassle free and rewarding.

I'm hoping to BF no 2 but if I can't for any reason then I will FF - will just have to adjust to bring wide awake at night :-(
I think you have to go with what your comfortable with. No pressure to BF. I tried, did 5 days and now I FF. and I have baby no.2 I will do the same.
I love formula feeding, I don't find doing the bottles a bother. We established a routine early on. I take my LO everywhere without having to worry about feeding him, I could never have BF in public.xxx
Thank u all soooo much for this excellent advice and oppinions. I go back to work when the LO will be 9months.

I have come to a decision... Im going to give BF a try! Atleast if I dont enjoy it I can then move onto FF, if I start with FF there wouldnt b a chance of changing my mind! Wish me luck :) xxx
I went back when t was 8 months and he had already started reducing what he took milk wise.... Fortunately i was supported in expressing at work but it was hard work but with a good freezer stash before i went back t went onto cows milk and finished feeding from me at 11 months.... Good luck x

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I work for the Town Council and its all women, none of them have had babies and dont really like babies! All Cat ladies so the thought of me expressing wouldnt go down to well! :( xxx
I hate to say it but sod them. If you want to give your baby breastmilk it really is none of their business.... There are laws that protect you from this. I am not sure if there were many that were particularly enthusiastic about me expressing... But no one ever bothered me about it.... Although my point was that if you get so far you probably won't need to express at work. I was doing 12 hour stunts.... I am guessing your days might be a bit shorter Xxx

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1. Sore Nipples - Lansinoh , in your hosp bag , use from first feed, no sore nips...
2. Not knowing how much the baby is taking, they will tell you there hungry, and then feed, more often, but it's a doddle, no timing feeds, no extra stuff to pack in bag, it's always on tap
3. Having to express when I eventually go back to work?? I hate the thought of still producing milk when back to work and having to escape the office to express! Well even if you didn't bf when your back at work, you will have done a full 9mths.... which is wow. I only did 12 mths. Or you could do first thing and nighttime, which are lovely and then use ff in day when back at work..

Plus - It's free!!! huge saving
As the ladies have said it's a doddle at nighttime, laying down feeding..... it's got to be tried..
It's always at the right temp...
You can order a breastfeeding apron thingy to help you start feeding in public.. nothing is on show.. (I always wore a normal top, (not a special bf one), and then a strappy vest £1.99 from newlook in loads diff colours ,(stretchy straps!), so one top pulled down, baby went under , as main top came up and so baby covers boob, with muslin or vest, you can arrange that to make sure no gaps...... bingo no tummy flesh or side flesh on show and no silly and frumpy bf tops needed...

put your bottle stuff in loft and don't get oh to getd them out unless really needed after baby has arrived, less temptation...

I'm def a convert to BF, only did it with Devon, but if you can't don't beat yourself up about it, ff is great too and I have three kids from ff... the main pressure people put themselves under is pressure from themselves, do what feels right at the time...
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If your going back at 9 months, that in itself is a damn good length of time to be bf for. I have just gone back at 7/8 months, and find G sometimes hardly takes any milk while I'm at work, so most days I don't express at work. She has cut her feeds down, bit also seems to prefer to wait and have it fresh.

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I'd definitely give it a go!
I planned to with my LO but was open minded & didn't put any pressure on myself to BF.. I ended up being really poorly after my c section & found it nearly impossible to bf, I needed all the help I could get! So I decided to ff.
See how you get on :) xx
I have been in 2 minds about this the more my EDD is approaching. I've decided that well that is what boobies are for and I would feel bad not to at least have said I tried it and it wasn't for me. At the minute I have decided that once we have established BF I will express so that I have the freedom to go out without LO and Oh can feed as well. There is nothing saying you can't do this. Also im not keen on BF in public somwill needvto try ad overcomenthis somehow.
The MW said last night at my antenatal class that while they promote Breast is best, when mummy and LO aren't coping with it then it obviously isn't and the main thing is to make sure your both happy.
If BF doesnt wok out for me I won't be ashamed to switch to FF.
Just go with what you are happy with x
Im actually now looking forward to giving BF a try! So what do I need other than the cream every1 is mentioning and my boobs? lol xxx
Breast pads. And maybe some storage bags if your going to freeze some xxxx

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