maxium age breast feeding?


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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hi there is a show on tonight channel 4 at 9pm extrodinary breast feeding

there is a 10yr old girl on there sucking her mums breast and other children about the age of 4..

when do u think it is time to draw the line??

im not one to post my comment as i have never breast feed its not for me i was happier to bottle feed Dior

i think its a natural thing to breastfeed but when is it time to stop before it gets wierd
I'll breastfeed till about 6 months, I would draw the line when they are old enough to ask for it, or pull at your clothes, about 18 months to 2 yrs is old enough.
about 18 months to 2 yrs is old enough

I agree. Surely breast feeding is to give your child what it cant get from food as their digestive systems are too young and also to build their immune systems!

Dont think they need that after 2, 3 at a push!
I personally wouldn't want to do it after my child had teeth but thats my personal view I am not judging anyone else, BUT breastfeeding a 10 year old should be illegal :shock: I will be watching the programme out of interest :?
i did'nt find breast feeding easy and gave up but when we were at school my best friends mum fed her sister until she was 9 and as a teenager i found it very strange and still think it is far to old she would want feeding walking around asda
I fed my two till they were about 5 months, this one I would like to try and feed for a bit longer, maybe till 9 months or a year just doing bedtime feeds.

I personally wouldn't do it longer than about a year. I think anything up to two years is 'normal'.

Am very interested to watch the programme tonight though!!
Before the programme I said till about a year but am now thinking that I would even carry on till 2 if necessary but no more then that as it would make me feel weird. The woman with the twins was a very good example I thought, and the young girl from Blackburn. The way I see it there are plenty of toddlers who still use a bottle at night so why not?

That programme got me angry when all those people were being so negative about feeding in public. Have managed to do it twice now and didn't show any breast to any poor members of the public. In fact one person didn't realise until they came over to coo over baby, they were a wee bit embarressed but it made me laugh.
I feed in public all the time! twice in my dentists waiting room, in restaurants, in the park etc. Even in Burger king today! I can safely say no one has ever seen my nipple so who cares?!
I was really nervous about it, had fed in front of family (apart frpm gramps as don't think he's ready for that) and OH's friends and was fine with that. After the first time it didn't bother me but Seren has developed a habit of just pulling away from the nipple and exposing me so will have to have words...

Must also remember to do up bra after as well, nearly gave the postman an eyeful this morning :D
thats show was freaky i think up to a bout 18months is fine but i have never breast feed, i would like to give it a go but im the eldest of 5younger brothers and sisters and none were breast feed neither were my cousins or any one in my family so i suppose i just go with what i no best and thats standing there scooping formula in to bottles...
im a very open person so doing it infrount of ppl wouldnt bother me ild happily walk round asda doing it i think it was terrible the negitive coments from the public on that show but i also thought it wasnt nice the way the breast feeding mum from the group? thought she was a better mum? my family are very healthy and my brothers and sis are very inteligent..(not me thou im just the norm lol) i wouldnt be able to do it infrount of my 17yr old brother or dad thou lol

i acualy think a breast feeding mum looks soooo cute
but iv had such a easy time bottle feeding dior i prob will stick with it for this baby else il feel im not being fair if it is true about healthy baby and so on, if Doir had bottle i think il have to do the same
I would like to feed Ella up until she's 1, but will see how it goes. I would prefer for her to go from my milk straight to fresh cows milk. I have topped her up with formula in the past, luckily I don't need to at the moment. But I don't want to wean her off of my milk, onto formula then wean onto cows milk.

I think that program showed breast feeding in a negative light and made it seem like the majority of breast feeding mums are freaks. I don't think it will have done anything to encourage breastfeeding and I actually think it will have put some people off.
rosieroo said:
I would like to feed Ella up until she's 1, but will see how it goes. I would prefer for her to go from my milk straight to fresh cows milk.

That's a good idea cos formula is bloody expensive!

I had to laugh at what that young BFing mom from bolton said to that bloke who shouted "Bottlefed and strong as a ox" about his own child:
"yes, that's because it's cows milk, my baby is breastfed and it's as intelligent as a human"
i saw the program and though fedding 8yr old was a bit weird. but up till 2 seems fine, i was thinking about swapping ewan to the bottle, but i might keep on for a while and see how things go. I can imagine what my mum would say if i carried on feeding till 5yrs!! she trying to get me to stop now at 5 months!

As for the comments from jo public - some one slap the lot of them!! :x

God if any one comes up to me and tells me what i'm doing is wrong and should be in private my husband would go mental!
Maybe a little contraversial, but if we all knew what was in cows milk, we'll probably bf till they leave school!!! :lol:
You just wont find something quite so organic.... When we do decide to change over to cow's milk, we should be aware of what we mix our babies weetabix with......... :shock: :D :D

Emilia xx

I didnt watch the programme but I saw the adverts for it showing a child at its mums breast. Me and my boyfriend both went eww when we saw it but to be honest I'm not sure why we had that reaction? I suppose its because its not something we have ever seen before. You imagine only babies to be at a womans breast and not a child. Maybe we need to be more open minded about things we have never seen or had experience with before?

As for breast feeding in public thats another thing I have a slight problem with but dont know why? I know its natural and I'm glad that we live in a country where women have the freedom to feed their baby in pubic, even if it is frowned upon by a small minority, but the fact that for some people its a bit taboo makes me feel slightly umcomfortable with it too. I suppose if I think it makes other people embarrassed then I feel embarrassed for them if you know what I mean?

I am by no means against breast feeding children or breast feeding in public so I hope I have explained myself properly.

Lou :)

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