
Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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i never breastfeed my daughter who is now 7months, but am preg again and would just like some advice please :)

well to be honest breatfeeding dont really apeal to me.
when ever i watch baby shows it always shows mums struggling with breast feed babies? if i breast feed can i still give formula milk if i dont feel up to expressing or feeding baby?
my daughter loves to go to bed with her bottle of milk proped up on a pillow and she will drink untill falling asleep. will i be able to do this if i breast feed? or will my baby always want to fall asleep on my breast?
if i want to give breast and formula how long can i go with out expressing any milk?
i always worried with dior that she wasnt eating anuf and i found it easy to be able to see the ounces how can i tell if i breast feed? will my baby become atached to the breast and never take bottle? will my partner still be envolved with feedin?

sorry bout all the silly questions i just need advice of some one that has done it as i never have faith in midwives.....

oh, and does it really help u loose weight faster??? :D :D :D

i spoke to a lady that breastfeed and her belly is so flat were as mine isnt and she said after feeding her baby she felt like she had been doing situps and u really feel it taking afect on your belly? :shock:

please give me some advice
Of course breast is best for your baby but some women just find that breastfeeding is painful, uncomfortable or they just don't want to do it.

Nine times out of ten the problem is cause by poor positioning and can be rectified so easily with a bit of support.

If you really want to have a go then get loads of help and support - funnily enough midwives are not the best people for the job. You may find that you can breastfeed really easily but if you do get problems and you do want to carry on then give a breastfeeding counsellor a call - they have trained for 3 years purely on breastfeeding and theres not much they dont know. You can get numbers for them from lots of different organisations such as NCT, ABM, BFN, LLL and they all have web sites with their helpline numbers on them.

Yes, breastfeeding does help tone your uterus etc which will get your shape back much quicker.

Have a look at this website to see if this helps you make up your mind:

I can also recommend some good books to help with breastfeeding too.

Good luck, lots of love
ghhi thank u so much 4takin time out 2give me sum advise. i dont like the idea of breast feedin i just dont think im the type of person to feel comfortable doing it in public but if is defo best 4my child im willing to give it ago, atleast i tryed
r there any mums out there that breast feed one child and not the other. and can notice a difference in their childs health......

love dee x x
i breast fed my son till the other day when i was actually advised to stop from the midwife as braydon wasnt putting on enough weight but has now since being bottle fed started to put weigh on
Hi, i really struggled with my first to breast feed he has tongue tie so couldnt latch on properly, but my second breast fed successfully for 6 months and i can honestly say that my eldest has had more illnesses than my second son Eldest has ear infections and ezcema mainly, my second son is perfectly healthy... so i think there is a massive difference. And would definately recommend giving it ago even just for the first month or two makes a big difference.
Breast is undoubtedly best for the baby but can be hard work for mummie. I didn't realise what an art form it was. Sadly it didn't come naturally and I had all sorts of problems and nearly gave up on many occasions, but I went to the breast feeding clinic and they helped a lot, I am so glad I stuck with and now my little man hates bottles, so I think I made a rod for my own back - tee hee :)

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