Boys names for girls

Love Rori for a girl , has grown on me for a girl as I don't like picking girls names as I'm a tom boy!
It's still our next boys middle name for def tho.
Loreli is also on my names list , but I'm loving Hettie at the moment

Eden is lovely too Helen
Ah Love hetti...and I also love Hattie...(Harriet) DH not sure on that one either lol xx
Yes Hattie is lovely too Wilma

I told my mum a few mths ago I liked Hettie, and she said where did you get that name from, " Hettie Wainthrop" of the telly, it's so old fashioned! (this coming from my old fashioned mum) I thought she'd love it.
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I love rory! its really nice for a girl, i would accually prefer it for a girl.
Rory Alivia, go for it girl, alltho i would go for Rory Olivia.
i love the name rory it another on my shortlist as a boys name never thought it was a girls as well but i dont dislike it as such for that im finding names very difficult my shortlist changes every 5 mins lol
So it's a short but long shortlist then serentity?! (I have got one of those too)
You could have a Seren (welsh for star , I think someone said on here) like your PF name
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