Boy or girl..will you find out?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Hi ladies, just interested to see if you are going to find out at your 20 week scans? Also if you have a preference?
Im not going to (never last time) but will be hard to resist! Im not fussed on the sex. I have a boy already and in one way think a girl would be something new but that 2 lil boys is soo cute.

Love katie & bean (8 weeks)
im not sure if im going to find out yet cant make up my mind, dont really mind what sex it is aslong as he/she is healthy
I want to find out! I found out with my son. I'm too impatient to wait and like to be prepared! :D
I desperately want to find out, but apparently you have to pay for a sexing scan in my area now, they will not do it at a normal scan appointment for time issues. That sucks, it's about £50 I've been told!! Nevertheless, I will probably pay it cos I really want to know and don't think I could stand the suspense of waiting till the birth! I found out with my son at a routine scan, although it did take a while for the m/w to see anything so I kinda understand why they won't do it now, or else each 20-minute appointment could last an hour.

I really want a girl so I've got one of each, but obviously as long as it's healthy I will be happy with a boy or girl. At least I won't have to buy loads of new stuff if it's a boy! HH9M everybody lol Lisa x

Thats terrible I can't believe they charge you that much for a sexing when they are scanning you anyway. :x
I plan to find out, but not sure if my husband and I will tell anyone. I just know if I do tell people we'll have everyone buying pink or blue. I really hate pink frilly stuff - I'd much rather have neutral colors like green, yellow, white, stripes, purple, red, whatever.

Also, and I could be wrong, I heard that maybe some areas are phasing out the sexing scans and you must go private to find out? Due to selective abortions (based on gender). Hopefully I'm wrong though... if I have to pay I think I'll just wait until the birth!
I'm not going to find out, as I think it takes a little bit of the excitment away (IMO)! I liked it when I had Rebekah as me and everyone else were convinced I was having a boy, everyone was really shocked when they received the 'its a girl' text at 4 in the morning! I know dh would probably like a boy to even things out, but I'm just so excited to be preggers at the moment I don't care!

I definitely want to know, I don't mind either way what it is as long as it's healthy but I want to be able to buy pink / blue stuff!
I really want to know cause Im terrible with surprises!

But...the way I figure it its the only true thing in life that you have absolutely no control over, so I think it would be nice to have the surpirse at the birth.

We are still debating about it, but I think we are going to hold off!
i really want to know!!! i dont mind either way really, just want it to be healthy :)

I would love a surprise, i found out with my son and then wished i hadn't but its so hard to find unisex clothing now, ive already been looking and theres nothing nice.

Plus our house is only 2 bedroomed so if we are having a girl we need to think about planning to move somewhere bigger for her to have her own room and nursery.

so has much as i don't want to its more a case of being pratical.
I would want to find out.

I just want to get my first scan (8th Jan) out of the way before I start thinking too much about that though.

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