Will you find out the sex?

haha taffy that is exactly what I have been saying, if I'm having twins I would definitely want to know the sexes in advance :)

I'm a fraternal twin so my chances of having fraternal twins is down from 1in60 odd, to 1in17, eeeeek!! I would so excited to have twins though xx
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We are solidly in the Yellow team too, I did ask hubby if he wanted to know but he said no and I'm happy with that.

I have a gut feeling' Pardon the pun' that it's a girl though so we will wait and see.... :), personally I can't wait I am being so impatient :)
We found out with sammy and we will find out with this LO!Lol i hate suprises xxx

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I'm definitely finding out! I'm just far too impatient not to :lol:
Id definitely find out for decoration and accessories purposes!. Really praying for team blue as i love boys more than i do girls but either would be fine as long as my baby is okay :D
Team yellow all the way for us. I'm not bothered either way but hubby really wants a surprise. And unlike lots of other people I have no idea whatsoever what I'm having!!! Truly wouldn't like to guess at all as have no inkling!
I'm looking to find out i havent got the patience to wait that long lol, everyone has said im having a girl but we'll see if they are right or not :) xx
We found out with our daughter and will be finding out this time to!

Personally i dont see the sex of the baby as a suprise i find looking to see who the baby looks like as more of a suprise.
I think people who can wait all that time to find out are great as i just couldn't!! :)

I loved knowing we were having a girl last time being able to call her by her name before she was born it almost helped the bond i think also when she came out it felt more real and i felt more prepared. I loved seeing her head of ginger hair knowing it was from me and that her lips were from her daddy. A scan could never show that so it felt more special :cloud9:
My OH wants to find out but I really want to keep it a surprise!
That said if we find out we're having twins I think I'd have to find out to make things easier, but I won't be telling everyone if we find out so it's still a surprise.

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