Bowel movement during labour???

I didnt poo but then my body had a clearout before labour.
Even if you do, they wont let you know. My boy pooped on his way out so i had bits of meconium on my legs lol
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DS - yes! had epidural in as was induced - midwife didn't mention it just changed towels under my butt (and yes it was totally the least of my worries at the time! lol

DD - no - had a totally natural water birth so would have been slightly more embarrassing! they have nets and sieves hanging by the pool just in case! ooer
i didn't, however you really will not care! I was catherised twice during my labour for the wee
I didnt but thought I had and didn't care lol! My friend did and didn't care at all. Believe me during the pushing stages of labour your really don't give a damn! I did have to have a biiiiig clear out at about 5cm dilated but thankfully i could do this on the loo!
I believe I pooed with Number 1, but the midwife and then OH were very discreet about it (about the only thing he was ever discreet about), but saying that I was so off my face on gas and air that I didn't care and forgot about most things when the midwife nearly fell on her bum down the side of the bed slipping on all the lost blood (ammusing at the best of times, let alone when your on Gas and air, it didn't even occur to me that it was my blood). Midwives are used to it, don't panic
I was terrified about it and did it too but it doesnt phase the MWs, i just remember askin her to clean me up then saying 'oooh it stinks!' lol.
i didnt even realised i did until i was washed after x
I wasn't bothered before but now I'm on iron tablets I'd be a little embarrased if I did and it was black! I don't have black poo btw, but I know it can turn it that colour (Sorry if TMI!!!)
I did!, but it was a little pellet and midwife cleared it away without saying a word.

My friend who is training as a midwife says they generally don't care, just clean I up and carry on, tis helped me relax when it happened to me :)

I didn't poo, although I kept shouting "I'm going to poo, I need to poo!" because of the intense pressure when I was needing to push!

me too!!

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Even to this day ( over 4 years ago) I am not sure if I pood or not. OH hasnt said anything which I think he would as he took great delight in telling me how the birth looked and smelt from a sane persons point of view lol.
Mind u I do remember the midwife tell me to go easy on my OH during labour as I had him in a head lock lol. But she never said a word about pooing lol.
I had the worst food b4 labour, burger and Chips so I made sure that I went b4 going the hosp as with having a water birth I didn't want a 'Kevin & Perry' moment ha xx
Im glad all u ladies said u wernt bothered, all the way through my first labour i was panicking and paranoid i was going to but didnt, i kinda wish i had so i wouldnt be worried this time lol... My oh beleives that women do not poo lol x
My midwife told me that nearly every single lady will poo at some point in labour unless you haven't eaten in last 36 hours. I want a water birth so do feel a bit worried about this as it will be a lot more noticeable and OH will see! I have warned him that there is a good chance of this happening lol. x
Thankfully my body had a clear out the day before I went into labour and I didn't even think about whether I had until I asked my OH after giving birth. My OH confirmed I hadn't poohed but he was amazed I didn't with all that pushing!
I didn't poo with my first. But did with my second, I was induced and things moved very quickly from 4cm to 7cm I went to labour ward and I needed to push but was only 8 cm. baby was back to back so midwife told me to turn on my side while she went to get me pain relief but within 2 mins I said I need to poo, pushed and pooed everywhere. It was black due to lots of iron tabs and it stunk!!!! She quickly cleaned it up and got half a glove on then I pushed again and baby's head was there, one more push and there was LaCie!! Mw changed bedding and I got a bath :) it was over too quick to be bothered about!!
during labour i could only get comfy on the toilet so did my poo at home on the loo lol xx
I remember telling the mw I needed a poo, and she told me it was actually baby's head, to which I replied 'no, I've felt poo coming out before, not a baby's head, trust me, this is poo' lol. I made her take me to the toilet so I could try to poo, and pushed a little bit, then asked her and my husband to check my bum for poo lol. But there wasn't any, I was brought back to the bed and told to push into my bum, and out came baby!
I have no idea if I pooped or not, but I don't care lol. X

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
I would quite happily poop infront of everyone if it means my lil man was on his way!!

im no worried about pooing during labour as im sure theyve seen worse the only thing Im worried about is if you give birth in different positions will it make a difference (cany believe im writing this but i have to ask lol ) xx

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