Bowel movement during labour???

they put a tablet up my bum anyway so poo was least of my worries lol x
I pooed! I know I did. It wasn't mentioned. Just wiped away. And the lovely midwife strategically placed a think pad type thing so my OH wouldn't see xxx
I pooed! I know I did. It wasn't mentioned. Just wiped away. And the lovely midwife strategically placed a think pad type thing so my OH wouldn't see xxx

I was the same. I even apologised for the 'present' I'd left. Tbh it was the least ungraceful part of my labour, I had my legs in stirrups and about 8 people on the medical team down the business end, You really won't care so long as LO is ok xx
I pooed! I know I did. It wasn't mentioned. Just wiped away. And the lovely midwife strategically placed a think pad type thing so my OH wouldn't see xxx

I was the same. I even apologised for the 'present' I'd left. Tbh it was the least ungraceful part of my labour, I had my legs in stirrups and about 8 people on the medical team down the business end, You really won't care so long as LO is ok xx

Sooo true! You really dont... I had my leg over the midwifes shoulder...!!
Haha!!! Can't believe you apologised... That's funny!xxx
I hope that if I do end up pooing, it isn't in full view of everyone!! x
I think it's inevitable that you poo... Because basically push like your pooing... So a wee malteasers at least will pop out! Try not to think to much about it xxx
I've resigned to the fact I will most likely poo- I just hope no-one see's and that they just notice it there lol x
I remember going to my OH after a massive dose of gas & air that i hope i dont poo but he pointed out that i hadnt eaten in two days and puked about 15 times so there was no chance :) But id efo would not have cared they know its part of their job :) we all have parts of our jobs we just have to get on with :P
I did and the only reason I knew I did was because I smelt it! lol. I asked the midwife after if I did and she said yes a tiny bit, if I hadn't of asked she wouldn't have said. They cover it so it can't be seen by your OH or anyone else there with you. I dreaded this happening but when you're in that much pain you really don't care about anything except getting the baby out. x
I was shocked by how much pushing the baby out was like pushing a number two, it was exactly the same feeling but stronger and to the same area so make no wonder we do poo a bit sometimes! x
From my experience (4 times) - in the early stages of labour your body knows what's going to happen waaay before you do and tries to expel everything it won't need, hence the wee, poo and vomit (tho I've never been sick in labour). It is quite normal to pee and poo during labour itself. The mw will possition a little kidney bowl to catch the wee and if you do poo, they wipe you up and carry on. They've seen it all before and, ladies, you just have to banish any hope of hanging on to your dignity! Lol my mw promised me it did come back eventually but even she's not sure when! :)
I know i did with one of them as i saw it, but as i'd not eaten much there was hardly anything and the other times if i did i didn't notice and wasn't mentioned. I was really worried before about pooing but really i couldn't have cared less and midwives have seen it all before.
I did about 200 poos! In the pool as well, and they were floaters; let me tell you, I was afraid of it like a death sentence, but you seriously do not care at the time.

In fact! I am GLAD I did it, because the midwife was a bloody cow, she deserved much worse than picking up poos!

Oh lordy! I'm crying with laughter! I've had a shite day (no pun intended!) But that has cheered me up no end!!! :)

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