In need of moral support . . .

i'm the same!! It does not appeal to me and i feel that OH has been a bit left out during pregnancy and bottle feeding baby means he can get involved alot more from the start!!

I was bottle fed and if i was breastfed by my mum i wouldn't be here now as she caught food poisioning when i was 3 weeks old and if she had been feeding me i would have died within hours!! So i also don't want to have to worry about what i'm eating/ picking up from food that could harm baby!! But obviously if people want to thats fine but for me knowing how close i could have been to not being here has put me off!!

I am expecting to get talks from the hospital but they will not change my mind and i will do what i want to!!!

WHAT??!! Never heard of that before! I agree for people to do what is right for them but there is no way on earth that her having a gastro infection would have passed through breast milk and killed you!

I'm not totally sure what she had (my brain is useless at the mo) but it was - i know it caused my mum to be really ill and it could have been passed to me!!
im not going to breast feed i bottle fed my first and will this one but im hoping to express for first 2weeks just for the benifits to the baby although with dd my milk didnt arrive for 5 days then wasnt any good so im not sure of anything for def
I was going to breastfeed but the mire I've thought about it, the closer I've got to birth etc the more I've decided against it! It's just not for me. I hate the fact that you get called selfish and people act as though you're going to be a terrible mum just because you're choosing not to breast feed! I won't be breast feeding and I won't be offering any excuses as to why I won't be breast feeding, my body-my baby-my choice.

Thanks for this Helen, I LOVE the positive attitude! xx
Thanks again everyone, your comments really have helped! xx
Rakrak - Thanks so much for the continued effort of supprt. xx
Was discussing this with OH last night and got a bit upset and he went mad 'I'll be telling the midwife and dont you worry about it' haha bless him! xx

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