blood from back passage?

mrs v

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2011
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Bit embarassing but thought I'd consult with you ladies before booking gp appointment. Basically when I poop and wipe there is bright red blood on tissue, this started few weeks ago but there wasn't much, this morning there was quite a lot when I wiped, it does feel like my bum stings, thought it might be a little cut due to constipation. Anyone???
its probably due to constipation, it shouldn't worry you, add some fibers in your diet to relieve constipation and you will be fine. not much else you can do. i had that some times in the past, it went away quickly
Best to get it checked out with gp Hun, my SIL had this during tri 2 she got it checked and it was nothing serious but best to be safe xx
yep sorry for that, i forget that not everyone has a medical background and maybe they get scared easier than i do. as sammi said if you are scared you should get it checked.
i have this as well midwife said it s from passing a hard stool
I get this on and off as I was sooo constipated and had a little hemarroid (can't spell that) but best to go to docs to reassure yourself. Its always scary seeing blood when you're at the toilet! Xxxx

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Thanks, its bright red (I dnt have medical background) but I think this means its likely near surface. See I thought piles etc would come much later in preg...
I got mine before unfortunately! Wasn't pregnancy related at all. Hoping it doesn't get worse as its quite uncomfortable xxxx

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Iv booked into docs to be safe. Pardon the pun but I 'crapped myself' when I saw it. Just been again and drops in the toilet...then when I wiped nothing! Sorry for this horrible thread!!!
Its ok, we all leave our dignity behind when pregnant and I'm sure if we have a problem that we find a bit yucky u can be sure another lady on here has had it too! Sometimes mine is quite heavy too depending on the level of constipation! Xxxx

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Don't be sorry! Sounds like piles to me... oh goody! I've had them before (not when pg) and I know how sore they can be :( I'm sure the doc will be able to prescribe something you poor thing! x
Don't be sorry! Sounds like piles to me... oh goody! I've had them before (not when pg) and I know how sore they can be :( I'm sure the doc will be able to prescribe something you poor thing! x

It isn't sore...sometimes when I poop it hurts but I just thought that was the constipation...ummm doc lookin up my bum does not fill me with excitement!
Hi Hon, I have a bit of medical background, but had this myself.

Bright red blood is nothing to worry about, anything more sinister is uaually dried and in your stools.

It could be from an anal fissure, which is a small crack in the lining of your anus. It can be caused from passing hard stool as it stretches it can cause a small tear in the lining. That are is very vascular so its common, especially if you are constipated. Also the stingy feeling you describe sounds like this.

I get it quite a lot, I went to Dr and there is nothing to worry about.

Try Anusol it can help take away the sting!

it sounds likes piles to me too, I have them aswell. Sometimes my bum is a little itchy. I have been using perssaries to shrink the piles. they are quite painful!
It sounds like piles - hernia. Like tissue on your bum hole that swells & bleeds when your having a pooh - they bleed all the time when you have a pooh & stings during & just after a pooh when you wipe but then feels fine. There so commen in pregnancy. You can get cream to rub on it from your gp - i have had it before. xx
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I had this the other day, infact I started a thread on it too. I seemed to bleed quite a bit more than I ever have before- the water in the loo went all red! I didn't struggle to go though and when I went the next day, there was only a tiny bit of blood. I haven't been to the GP yet, I'm just keeping an eye on it and will mention it to the midwife tomorrow when I see her. I am sure it's nothing to worry about, but deffo best to get it checked if you are really concerned.

Quick update, prescribed suppositries and cream, no visible piles externally, could be fissures or internal piles, joys of pregnancy hey!
I mentioned it to my midwife at my appointent yesterdayand he said its probably piles and if it happens again pop along to my gp to get it checked and treated. I love visits to the midwife... yesterday we discussed headaches (which was fine) but then moved on to bleeding from the bum and crusty nipples! Yaaaay pregnancy!!!


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