Blood tests


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2012
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Today I had my blood tests following my booking in appointment last week. I have just returned from a very busy holiday in Paris over the last five days with a few bouts of mild sickness. Yesterday on the way home I think the tiredness hit me and this seems to be the main cause of my pregnancy sickness and I felt rubbish all day and when I got home was really sick and couldnt stop. I was sick a little bit before the blood test this morning but during the blood test I gradually felt more and more sick and was sick at the appointment. It was quite embarassing as everyone was looking and I have just stopped being sick after returning home too!. My main question however, was what normally happens in relation to results. Do I have a call or only a call if there is a problem?
Sorry I am new to all this and was more concerned regarding the sickness at the appointment so forgot to ask!
Poor you hun!

I have a phobia of people throwing up so I'd have been out of that waiting room :shock: :shock:

I got my results by letter a few weeks later, I think they call you if there are any issues

Hope you feel better now!

you will just be sent a letter telling you results, if its your booking in appointment results you wont even get a letter you will just be contacted if you need iron tablets or anything.

if its your downs screening results, that will be by letter and all it will do will give you a risk factor like 1 in 100,000 or 1 in 4 etc. if you are high risk then your midwife will discuss results and follow up tests
I assume this was just your booking bloods?

Every hospital do the Down's screening differently - I got my blood test results within the hour :shock: They were combined with things seen on the scan and I got my complete risk factor within an hour and 10 minutes!

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