bleeding again! :-(


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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As the title says am bleeding again not really heavy but a fair bit. Figure its my low lying placenta may have over done it with house work today :-( going to leave it for now see how it is in the morning. still getting LOs heartbeat and movement on Doppler.

FX it'll be ok in the morning x
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I take it you had it before what did the midwife say get rest hun n take care x
Oh no Em! You defo don't need the extra stress and worry. Keep you feet up hun and rest, housework can wait, OH can do that when he shows his face for you. Take care of yoursellf and your LO xxxx
I take it you had it before what did the midwife say get rest hun n take care x

Yeah its due to the placenta previa. I'm meant to take it easy but I possibly overdid it :-/.

Bleeding has almost stopped this morning and baby is still kicking lots and I can hear hb so not gonna call the EPU since all they will do is listen to HB and check cervix is closed. x
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Oh no Em! You defo don't need the extra stress and worry. Keep you feet up hun and rest, housework can wait, OH can do that when he shows his face for you. Take care of yoursellf and your LO xxxx

Thanks, We had a bit of a row the other day and he's been here ever since actually. Took me out for dinner last night to apologize and i think we're going pram shopping today. Sooo i suppose i shouldn't moan about him to much for the moment, he's redeemed himself slightly lol! x
Oh no Em! You defo don't need the extra stress and worry. Keep you feet up hun and rest, housework can wait, OH can do that when he shows his face for you. Take care of yoursellf and your LO xxxx

Thanks, We had a bit of a row the other day and he's been here ever since actually. Took me out for dinner last night to apologize and i think we're going pram shopping today. Sooo i suppose i shouldn't moan about him to much for the moment, he's redeemed himself slightly lol! x

:yay: Pleased that he's looking after you hun, you defo gotta rest xxx
Def rest and let OH spoil you, no more cleaning for you!!! Glad to hear LO is ok

Aww hunny how stressful for u. Definitely stop all the running around cleaning, u have got to rest up. Get ur oh to help u out instead xxx
aww poor you hope your ok hun - iv tld my hubby that the mid wife said that im not allowed near any cleaning products because its bad for the baby lol he actually beleived me and he is currently cleaning the kitchen :)

you take it easy no let your man look after you its what they are there for take care hunxx
em, you try and take it easy - i had low lying placenta with my DD and exactly same as you - overdoing anything started bleeding. but everything was fine and she's 14 now!

take care hun xxx
As the other ladies have said, make sure you rest! xxx
Oh no, what a worry. I agree with everyone else - lots of rest! :hug: xxx
ive just seen this hope your resting xxx
Thank you all :). Bleeding appears to have stopped at the moment. Starting back at work after being signed off for two weeks tomorrow. Really need to go back, but not going to overdo it. xx
Ideally i don't want to much more time off work if i can help it, because i'm running out of paid leave and can't afford to live off SSP! xx
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Just gotta make sure ur careful and not overdo it! Sorry to hear of ur worry, but hopefully that'll be the last time it happens. Get lots of rest!!

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