Blake Finlay 11/9/2014


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Nov 8, 2009
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Well the time had come to meet my little man.

Wednesday 10/9/14 I have pre op. Meet the midwives that will be looking after me during and after section which where lovely and thankfully had a sense of humor, I seem to chat complete crap when I'm nervous and at one point told them I couldn't wait to have sex again without fear of getting pregnant lol! Anyways, bloods taken, blood pressure taken and wee listen in to Blake, and paperwork signed for section and sterilisation :).

I don't sleep much that night with all the different emotions going on but have a nice relaxing night with my OH and his parents, they where staying to help look after our DD and DS.

Thursday 11/914 morning of section. We arrive on ward at around 7.45am. Shown to my bed and given gown and scrubs for OH. Meet the lovely lizzy our midwife who tells us we are 1st and only on the list. So meet with surgeon who does a quick scan to make sure Blake was defo no longer breech and just confirms consent form etc. I get my lovely stockings on and gown ready to go and given medication to take as well. Lizzy then comes for me at around 8.30 and then it hits me that I'm about to have surgery and meet my boy and nausea hits me hard. I can barely talk cos of it. Stu (OH) and lizzy keep me chatting to keep my mind off the sickness and take a slow walk down to theatre, at about 8.45 I'm there and surprisingly the sickness has gone by time I reach there,I thought it would be worse. .
I meet imogen the lovely anethesist who I had met a week or 2 before hand to assess my back due to my chronic back problems. She gets me sat on the bed and let's stu in with me too which I didn't think he would be allowed during the spinal being put it cos they never seem to let partners in at that part on OBEM lol. Anyways. I hunch over hugging a pillow and a lovely girl called natalie held onto my shoulders and stu my hand while they put the spinal in place. They said it was quite tough to get in due to all my muscles being so tight due to my back problems, said I had the back muscles of an athlete. ...Pft!
Once spinal in place they swing my legs round and get me laid down. I'm freaking out cos can still feel them touching my legs, I thought spinal was an instant thing LOL how wrong was I! Once I'm numb to about my thighs they put a little screen up and put catheter in, that was a very strange feeling as I knew they where doing something but couldn't see or feel it. Imogen started doing her tests to make sure the spinal was working as it should and kept reassuring me and explaining things too me. During these tests she found my right side wasn't numbing up as quick as my left side. I was numb up to my boobs on left but only at just at belly button on right side so she wouldn't allow them to start till it was working properly. She told me if it wasn't going too work then she would have to put me under general but is allowed to give the spinal a full 20 mins to work to its full potential. She confirmed that she thinks due to my back issues this was why it was taking so long for the right side to numb up but finally after the full 20 mins It was safe to start.

I didn't know they had even started. Stu was by my side the whole time and so was imogen making sure my blood pressure etc was all ok. I felt nothing and didn't have a clue anything was wrong, will explain that part after lol. I got the shakes which was horrible and uncontrollable but was told this was normal.
Finally I heard them say they had to get the forceps onto his head,I freaked out at this thought as I thought they wouldn't be needed during a section but thankfully there wasn't any marks to his head he just needed a bit of guidance to get out as he was buried deep in there. At 9.31am, weighing 8lb5.5oz they lowered the blue screen in front of me and showed me my little boy, screaming with balls on show and everything, proud moment. I turned to stu who was a bubbling mess and he kissed me, aww.
They took him away to get cleaned up then once he was all ok they put him on to my chest for skin to skin, so precious.
After about 20 mins or so I start to feel a bit uncomfortable. I ask them to take Blake off me as I'm starting to feel pain but only on my right side. Imogen tops me up with some painkillers and asks the surgeon to basically hurry up otherwise she will have to put me to sleep for them to finish. They where stitching me up and I could feel it...but my legs etc where still numb but I could feel pain.
Once all was completed, I was sterilised too, he explained due to my previous surgery I had a lot of scar tissue so this is why surgery took a bit longer and why the spinal was starting to wear off. They put 2 clips on left fallopian tube and cut in between them and only 1 clip on left and cut as I only have part a fallopian tube due to previous surgery.
Once they finished, I was then informed I had lost 1500ml of blood. Surgeon had accidentally cut a blood vessel which caused a major bleed. Stu said it was like something out a horror film cos he just saw the tank at side of bed fill up with blood then another one. Surgeon even had blood all over his face and on feet and floor. The surgeon I had met prior to surgery had sliced her finger open too so she had to leave the theatre and let 2nd surgeon take over. I didn't have all clue any of this had happened.
I was then taken to recovery which I stayed there for 4 hours but the whole time I had skin to skin so wasn't all bad. They had to check my blood levels. I have to admit I was feeling pretty awful by this point and absolutely shattered. I was also having a painful throbbing feeling on right side to which I was told this was where the blood vessel had been cut. Once bloods came back I was allowed to go back to the ward. I had to keep catheter in and stay in bed till the following morning.
My in laws brought in my DD and DS to see me and their new brother, they were over the moon with him and my DD who has never seen a baby before was brilliant. Was difficult cos she wanted to jump into bed with me so the midwife got some pillows and done it so that she couldn't hurt me or put out my catheter tube. My DS was fascinated that I was peeing and didn't know about it. Lol.
Once they left the midwives gave me a bed bath then took Blake for the night so I could rest, plus I couldn't move my legs so nothing I could do without them.
Next morning, stu came in at breakfast time to help with Blake as he knew I was going to be getting up for a a shower. I was dreading this. The pain was unreal! I was told then that the pain I was in was worse than a norm section due to being sterilised as well as the blood vessel being cut so I had a lot more stitches inside plus I was informed by stu that when he had a peek that hey had my uterus sitting on my I would feel a bit more bruised than most due to them Guddling about in there. Spent the rest of the day just getting to know Blake and spending it with my OH. He was my rock through the whole thing.

On sat I asked to go home. As much as I was in pain I just needed my own bed and own surroundings. They didn't know if they would be able to discharge me as Blake was showing signs of withdraw from my painkillers I had to take for my back condition. We met the scbu nurse who gave us direct number to call if we needed help or advice and gave us some suggestions on how to get him through it. She said sometimes they need admitted to scbu and given some of the medication to help them. This broke my heart. I felt like some sort of junkie and that I'd harmed my beautiful baby. She was lovely and told me it wasn't my fault. I needed the painkillers in order to carry on with the pregnancy and it should only last 10-14 days. I think if we hadn't had kids before Blake we wouldn't have been allowed to take him home but cos we had some sort of experience she was happy to let us go on understanding we ring if needed. It was horrible too watch my 3 day old baby have termers and so unsettled. She told us too give him a dummy etc which I hate but thankfully he's only taking he dummy too settle then spitting it out and then not needing it. Doesn't help when have my mum looking down at me and judging me cos of using a dummy and when I explained the reasons for it makes me feel like a junkie....This is the same woman who came to visit me in the hospital, knowing my legs where still numb and unable to move, fed Blake for me then when he done a huge poo to point it was oozing out of his baby grow, dumps him and says "have fun with that" and walks away, leaving him screaming and me having to buzz the midwives cos I couldn't move to do it myself :(.

I'm struggling pain wise but it's all been worth it :).
Here he is. If you've managed to read this far then I salute you lol.
Fantastic story. Congratulations, he is a stunner. Love the name. xx

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