Morgan Finlay Stewart born 03-03-08

Awwww - what a dreadful experience :hug:

Congratulations to you all :hug:
Oh my lord you poor poor thing!!!

My brother and my Sister in Law had a placental abruption prior to labour with their first son, which resulted in terrible terrible pain in her stomach... sadly, the midwifes didnt believe she was in labour and didn't monitor him properly... he was born by emergency C section and died 5 days later...

God that sounds morbid I know... you are so very lucky to have such a beautiful son.

Congratulations hunxxx
Glad you are both doing ok, that sounds absolutely horrific :hug:

Congratulations and well done and he is a stunner :hug:
Aw he's gorgeous! Well done for making it through your birth - it sounds like it was a nightmare :hug:
Strangely hasn't put me off - I think as a pregnant lady its nice (well maybe not nice, but balanced anyway) to hear about good births, bad births and scary births :roll:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I'm sorry you had such a truamatic experience. I hope the counselling helps you to get over it.
Morgan is georgous, I'm really pleased he's ok after all he's been through.
Off to google placental abruption now! I haven't a clue of the symptoms!
Oh God Kelly you poor thing, hope that everything is going ok now and that he is pooing properly! He is absolutely gorgeous and looks very well for his experiences.

Love sarah xx

ps I think I know your brother in law! Is Ross Glenn's brother?
Well Morgan certainly made his entrance in style!!! Im so glad that he is ok. CONGRATULATIONS :D :D
Oh my what a birth story.....Phew i'm so glad you are both ok. I'm going to read up on the placenta thingy. enjoy your bundle big hugs and lots of love. I'm here if you wanna talk about what happened.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww im sorry u had such a hard time hun. he's absolutely gorgeous tho congratulations! :hug:

The labour counselling really does work :hug: i went and it just somehow sets your mind to rest :hug:

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