Blake David aka Baby Chance- My Angel xxx


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2012
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Ok, time to start a Parenting journal!! Has it really been that long since I started a TTC journal?

This follows on from my Pregnancy Journal here:

So at 10.11am on 18/02/2013 Blake was delivered through the sunroof weighing 8lbs 8oz after quite an epic induction and labour resulting in an emergency c-section. My birth story can be read here:

We came home the day after as I wasn't prepared to spend another minute in hospital. I felt every crack in the road on the journey. We settled in at home, but our first night was a little stressful. Blake decided to refuse the breast, but was screaming for food, so I gave in and used a bottle of ready made formula. I sobbed about the decision, but have since been assured that I did what any mother would do and made sure my son had food! The MW has since checked me and Blake and we have come to the conclusion that he just will not accept my right breast (the left is ok) so we now breast feed, express and top up with formula - combination feeding and it suits us all.

Blake was weighed on day 3 and has lost 7oz or 4% of his body weight and the MW is very pleased with his progress. I'm getting more and more mobile, I'm healing and feeling much better. We've found that being super organised is the way forward, and go to bed with everything ready for changing and feeding with minimum fuss. We're only getting up twice in the night which I think is great. My house is still clean and we've been eating proper meals as I did so much batch cooking in those last few weeks :)

My little man is totally perfect and I've never felt love like this :love:

How weird he only likes 1 breast, glad u have found something that works tho & good job you had some formula in I wud of been stuffed if Ava refused the breast.

I so love that picture, he has such an angelic face :)

Massive congrats hun. Lovely to see ur new journal! Blake is really gorgeous!!! Love the pic of him :) xxx
Thank you ladies x

I'm not having a very good time at the moment, the MW sent me to the walk in centre on Saturday as I have a raging cold saw on my face and we were worried it could be passed to Blake. I've been prescribed some cream that seems to be doing the trick. But worse than that is I woke up at 4am Sunday morning feeling like someone had dumped me in the snow. I had severe pain in my left breast and couldn't get warm. Ed covered me in extra blankets and switched on my elec under blanket while he phoned the out of hours MW number. I immediately suspected mastitis, and I was right. The MW visited and advised paracetamol and trying to empty the breast, but Blake has refused to latch. I think it's because the breast is so big and hot. I'm expressing, but getting very little from it.
The MW came back today and called the docs out to me as I'm worse. They have put me on antibiotics. I've been feeling so ill that I didn't even wake up with Blake once last night. Ed took care of everything.

Other than that Blake is well, he's already 1 week old! He's still very well behaved and the MWs say he's thriving :)
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A Couple of pics:

Grizzling in his bouncer as he hates being strapped in! :roll:


Happy chap after changing his bum

Awwww hun I hope you start to feel better soon, this is the last thing you need right now!

Blake has such a lovely coloured skin tone.

Blake is looking gorgeous! Love his hair, jacksons so bald - I got heartburn for nothing!

Hope u get well soon love <3 xxxx

tapatalking :) - can't see tickers!
He is such a sweetie DC. Totally gorgeous! I hope you are starting to feel better, mastitis sounds miserable and you clearly had it badly. Big hugs but well done cos whatever you are doing Blake is thriving! Xxxx
Thanks my lovelies! Fingers crossed I might be feeling better now that the antibiotics have kicked in. The only problem is they make me feel sick! I managed to get about 1oz from that breast this morning instead of just 1/2oz, but it's still early days.

His skin tone is looking much better Amber. He was a little jaundiced at first, but we're now happy that he seems to be over it.

I never suffered with heartburn during pregnancy, so I'm not sure the hair thing is very reliable! They told me he had lots of hair when he was still inside, we were just crossing our fingers that it wasn't ginger as Ed was a carrot top as a child :)
Jacksons is ginger but I like OHs colour of hair its more strawberry blonde (not just sayin that to downplay the ginger) haha.

Good ur feeling better!

I thought little one had jaundice - jackson had jaundice and I didn't know and was like where the hell did he get the tan ? Then it was the HV who actually pointed it out LOL he's just a nice pinky colour now xxxx
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Blakes cord fell off yesterday, so he had his first bath today. He seemed to enjoy it!

Ava had jaundice too, it took a good few weeks really fed hers to go.

I got a bath with Ava for the first time the other day, I think she liked it. It's so nice being ale to bath them isn't it.

Glad to hear antibiotics have started to work, shame about the sickness tho.

Well I thought I was feeling better. We had a busy day on Weds, visiting work mates and then over to my mums for tea. By the time we were ready to go home I was really suffering. Pain in my side and scar- I think I overdid it. I spent virtually all day in bed yesterday, the shivers and sweats returned leaving me feeling like that bus had hit me again :(
Today I'm feeling better again, but am taking the time to eat and rest. Ed is back at work on Monday and I'm dreading it. I need to feel well and stronger than this to be able to cope for 12 hours on my own with Blake.

Here's the picture we took of his first bath:

Can anyone be this unlucky? All week I've been battling infection with mastitis in my left breast. I've ended up stopping breastfeeding as I'm just too poorly. It's started to get better, but this evening the chills returned and I can't face food. I've decided to have a bath and found an angry red patch on the right breast!! It's just not fair! My MW came today and isn't prepared to discharge me yet as I'm still too poorly. Looks like I'm going to be on the antibiotics for another week now :(

On a happier note she weighed Blake and he's now 9lbs :) brilliant for less than 2 weeks old x

Ed returned to work yesterday and I was dreading having to cope on my own, but we had a great day! As long as I stay ahead of Blake and have everything prepared in advance I can manage. While he sleeps I can get showered, sterilise bottles, fill his flask etc- oh and eat lol!

The MW and HV visited yesterday. I've still got to take it easy as I'm not infection free yet. Blake was checked fine and his heel prick tests came back clear. I need more antibiotics from the docs for the mastitis.

We put Blake on his play gym for the first time and he really enjoyed it- lots of colours! :dance: The little monkey is really active and it took 6oz of milk to settle him to sleep :shock:




love this one- but I need to crop out my double chin!

Wow for 6oz hun n glad ur starting to feel better xx

Ella Faith 8/2/13 8lb 13.5 oz x
Oh wow he is a beautiful baby! you are so lucky! well done and huge congratulations

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