Surely getting baby out healthily is a given lol.
I had a loose birth plan for my first and will do with my second.
Things like...only gas and cannulas....hubby to cut the cord and tell me the sex...home as soon as I want etc.
I think it's helpful to the midwifes to get a small idea of the route you want to take in labour...of course this can change everyone knows this.
Bolded: Unfortunately though, not always. That's the problem.
There are people (smaaaaall percentage) that end up distraught because labour didn't go "as planned".
That's why preferences are a great idea, plans are not.
Like on mine... No C-sec unless necessary...
"Well, this is going on... You'd find it easier if we did a c-sec"
Nope. Thank you.
"We got to get baby out, now"
Slice it, doc.
Underlined: that's the best way to do it, in my opinion. Although G&A may not be enough (I wanted G&A with my first until the contractions started, then I was Shoutin for the drugs). I know there was a girl with all kinds of allergic reactions to all kinds of drugs, so she wanted G&A for that reason.
I guess it mostly depends on your outlook.
I'm naturally the most go-with-the-flow person ever. I still have my preferences, but ultimately, what happens, happens.
Others are genuinely uncomfortable with that sort of, control-less situation, and need a firmer idea of what will happen.
It's about being able to relinquish that control if the situation calls for it.
I honestly think the more "open to anything" you are, the less stressful the whole experience will be. Better to go in ready for anything than spend time dreading that which may need to happen.