Your birth plan


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I have decided not to have a birth plan as such because nobody I know has come close to sticking to it so I think that for me, there is no point overthinking it and hoping it will be a certain way only to be disappointed or need to change it at the last minute anyway.

So, my birth plan looks like this:

1. Minimal internal examinations
2. DH to cut cord
3. Epidural to be available

Over and above that, I just want the docs/midwives to do their job and do what is best for bubs at any point as I want the birth to be about her rather than me.
That's a good attitude to take. You really don't know what will happen when the time comes so Being open minded will be less stressfull for you and the baby. I won't be having a birth plan, never did with my boys and everything went so smoothly. I'd like myhusband to cut the cord this time though!
I agree with you on keeping it short and sweet and not rediculous!! Mine will
be similar, I really want a water birth but if it isn't going thst way it's not the end of the world, best to keep an open mind I think! X
I don't think I am having a birth plan either. I know my husband wants nothing to do with the Business End and doesn't want to cut the cord or anything like that - he is a bit squeamish bless him :lol:

I'm just going to go with the flow, and see what happens.
i would say thats a good idea. U have to keep options open, i needed an epidural because i wasnt coping with my induction last time i was unconscious but they still wanted consent from me even though my OH was there...just mention that your OH or birthing partner should beable to discuss things with you and let them know. They wouldnt give it to me untill i said yes...yet i was unconsicious! WHICH delayed eveything. Just be open to pain relief, i was like first time round im just going to have gas and air and thats it...but sometimes it doesnt work out like that. Ended up having emergency c section and still lil one not surviving!

Goodluck guys :) xx
I didnt have a birth plan with my son either, and things went pretty well.
I think though, im goin to try and be more mobile this time, i gave birth on my back and just rolled around my bed in pain, refusing pain relief!!
I panicked because it hurt so much and i think thats why i tore, not badly mind, but i was in such a rush to get it over with
mine says the word epidural at thats it lol i learnt from first time round everything can change so quickly that it pointless as long as they arrive safe thats all that counts
i wasn't going to make a particularly precise birth plan either....i figured it could all go wrong at any point. I am going to make it known that i want ithe birth to be as natural s possible. However if it's suggested i need to have certain treatments etc then iwill probably take their advice. after all what the hell do i know about giving birth. The only thing i really would like to stay away from if possible is too many injections and internal exams, but it might be necessary so.... the rest im open to all suggestions, oh and if i can have waterbirth.

Oooh dearie me! I have just started on my plan - it's still in the draft stage but it's 5 pages long!!! Lol! Needs a summary at the front just to give the overall view of what I want. OH says that it looks more like a legal document than anything else! Damn legal training taking over my brain! :-)
Mine is very brief also, simply says I would like an epidural but no gas and air or pethidine, don't want to cut the cord, and want to be able to go home as soon as possible.

I've never understood how people can try and predict and dictate how something will go when they've never done it before. Our babies can't read these birth plans!
I think the trouble comes with the word 'plan' - it makes it seem very fixed and definite and if you veer away from it there is this idea that you have 'failed'. What I've done instead was make a list of what I would PREFER to happen both what I felt was best for me and baby but I made it perfectly clear at the start that I was both felxible and realistic about any interventions that may be needed. I like the idea of the mw knowing what I would prefer to happen, then she can aim as far as possible to help me with that.
I'm doing a birth plan this time as I'm being very specific about what I do and do not want and also to fit in with my natal hypnotherapy. I don't think it hurts to have a detailed birth plan but to stay open to possibilities. x mine includes things like wanting to be left to labour and birth with few exams, I want to birth in dimness/candle light but will have an angled lamp for the midwives for when they do an exam, I want my OH to have the questions/medical suggestions directed to him and for them to listen to him etc etc Most of it revolves around me being able to labour and birth alone (with OH only one present).
I too have a quite in depth birth plan as my labour with my first was quite traumatic and I feel that while scared and in pain I was pushed into things that I wasnt happy about like having my waters broken. I wasnt really asked, i was just told that they were going to do it.

I havent tried to second guess how things will go, I know from last time that things dont go to plan! I have thought of it more as 'wishes' than a plan! And have structured it into sections with my feelings about different scenarios.
for eg/
Slow progress - I want to try different positions and remining upright before even considering any form of augmentation. I will only consent to ARM if baby is engaged in an anterior position with chin tucked.

Pain relief - I dont want to be offered pain relief, if I want it I will ask for it. And if I do ask for it its because i want it and dont want to be told to wait and see how i feel in 20 mins etc!

Not ruling anything out but want to make sure they know my feelings about things! umilicus to be left uncut till stops pulsing the DH to cut, skin to skin, planning to BF etc etc
dose anybody know if I can cut the cord?
first time around I had my mum and o/h so my mum cut it 2nd time around I had my sister and o/h so my sister cut it but this time I only have o/h and I know for a fact he wont cut it how he makes it into the room in the first place I dont know because he is not good with blood or anything at all.

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