Big Brother

Missed the show last night, have sky + it, but saw on FB that paddy won.

Gonna watch it later.

Well looking fwd to tonights show eeeeeek
What do you think of tonights entries?

Interesting, I think some of them are gonna cause trouble!!

I dunno, I'm not overly impressed this year to be honest!

the first guy is thicker than amy childs and i never thought id see anyone thicker than her!!
most of them r just fit and up there own arse n are probs in there to have a quick fumble under the covers.
the first guy is thicker than amy childs and i never thought id see anyone thicker than her!!
most of them r just fit and up there own arse n are probs in there to have a quick fumble under the covers.

^^WSS I couldn't believe that anyone could be as thick as Amy Childs lol!

Theyre all just 'up there own arse' idiots.....but I'll still end up addicted lol...I say the same every year and then can't help myself lol xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
I was thinking the first guy to go in might have some sort of learning difficulties or something. Mind you, i'm sure BB would have checked for these things.

I think there will be alot of bickering between the girls which will be good.

I've only seen the launch ep so far and they seem like they'll be good housemates. I know you can't go by their videos coz they are never like they try to come across. But there is defo a good selection of characters gone in.

Not gonna get a chance to catch up til tomorrow now, but will have 2 eps to watch so looking forward to that!
Just caught up with saturday and sundays episodes and may I just say.... criiiiiiiinge. OMG them 2 boys, anton? and aden make me cringe so bad lol

I can't wait for things to get going coz they have got some really strong personalities in there!!
I've just cought up on yesterday's.

I cannot for the life of me remember any of their names. Alot of them are annoying me though. Gonna try & find out some names tonight.

It was so funny with Pamela in the sauna when she was saying - its so hot in here loool when the 2 girls were saying they have those wee dogs looool thought she was really funny.

I love Pamela coz even though she's not what she used to be all the guys fancy her, & majority of the girls are jealous of her looool

Just caught up with saturday and sundays episodes and may I just say.... criiiiiiiinge. OMG them 2 boys, anton? and aden make me cringe so bad lol

I can't wait for things to get going coz they have got some really strong personalities in there!!

Those two are like dogs on heat! Funny and cringey to watch!

I always say I'm not gonna get into it and then just can't help myself lol x

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Cannot stand Rebeckha (or however she spells it), she is a tease plain and simple and I just cannot stand people that go around putting ideas in peoples heads about other people and she 'knows' what she's saying is right coz she's a counsellor? Do me a favour love lol

I like Aaron and Harry and really hope they don't go, I don't mind Tashie either coz she seems like a nice girl, but I'd rather the other 2 stay.

OMG Mark has got the tiniest willy I've ever seen lol
OMG I missed last nights, I take it I missed some male parts?

Cant stand Rebekah either, and did I hear right that she works part time in a strip club? She seems so bitchy. And very flirty with the guys...think she's gonna get into trouble.

I'm gonna have a BB fest tonight, last nights on catch up & tonights eviction.

Don't worry the naked parts you missed were not a treat for the eyes lol But yes you did miss naked parts!!

Yes. Rebeckha is stirring it up defo. Was a good ep last night! xx

That didn't even look like proper man bits - looked more like he had 3 balls.

I even had to pause it for a closer look!!

Hate Rebekah now, she's such a bi*ch


That didn't even look like proper man bits - looked more like he had 3 balls.

I even had to pause it for a closer look!!


Toooo funny lol

I'm so glad Tashie went and Aaron and Harry are there for antoher week. I don' think she deserved all them boos though, she was an ok housemate, bit mental but nice girl lol. I think the way Rebeckha has convinced everyone about Aaron being the bad guy though will mean he''s up for eviction every week til he's gone! It was so annoying listening to her and faye tell Harry 'don't let him drag you down'. WTF?! lol
I agree I think Tashie got it a bit too hard when she walked out, I felt really bad for her, I dont think she was anywhere near as bi*chy as the other girls.

Rebekah is a nasty piece of work I think, hopefully she'll go next, she's a bit of a know it all too. Thinks because shes a counsellor she is right about every situation - she works for the samaritans - anyone can do that, doesn't make you a counsellor.

I cant stand Rebeckha!!!!!!!! Little shit stirrer and so frigging cocky and inlove with herself she makes me sick! When she was saying about heaven eating biscuits, weren't the 3 of them eating them?? Cheeky cow! And then to tell everyone shes eating everything in the cupboard when she was cleaning up in there! Arrgh, I'd see right through her in there!!!

Phew! Lol I haven't got a favourite right now but I kinda like Aaron.
I like Aaron too Yodabo! And he's closest to my age, and has a kid! All the others are so young, I feel like their mum watching lol

Anton was in the diary room saying something sexual the other day and I said to my OH 'oh, what would his mum say, she must be so proud' LOL I'm such a old fogey these days lol
Yeah I think I would get on well with Aaron. I like Louise too but I'd stay away from her in that house, she's waaaaaaaay too beautiful! :lol:

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