Big Brother

Agree. I hate that arron with a passion! From the moment he walked in that house he had a game plan & since the money share has come up he has showed his true colours. He cant wait to get in that diary room & slag them off can he. x
He makes himself look more n more stupid the more he played the game. I hope faye see sence now watching x
Who is voting for the slime? Hes a sulky, vile, conceited, cretin. The violent impulses have just got worse all week. I fast forward trhough half the program now just to avoid getting angry at the shit.
So glad that Jay has seen the light.
I thought it was lovely of them to treat Tom and Alex and they loved the prezzies.
Thought Alex looked lovely.
Hope that Aaron is out on thursday and gets booed.
I wonder who's bookies favourite to win. I know arron was up there the last time i heard grrr. I dont know who votes for him! they must be mad. All he does is moan & sulk & he dont speak from one day to another with his silent tantrums that he throws every other day ( with out fail ) I want Jay to win. I think he has been the most real in the house. I like alex & tom but i think alex comes across as soft but really she is far from it! I dont think she has been 100% genuine really, she went sick onec they had to share the money out, her face told it all. x
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I don't like Aaron, think he's a nobber, but I do think he was right that Louise and Jay should've said they were going to do the present thing. They didn't have to ask permission or anything obviously, but think it's strange that they just went ahead and did it. They should've said 'we know you don't want to, but we would like to' and that would be that. Aaron would've had no ammunition against them then, but now he's using that situation to his advantage!

Can' wait til Friday, really don't have a clue who might win!!!
Cannot believe he didn't go tonight. I hate him!!!
Poor Tom!
I mean seriously who the hell is voting for the smug *******! lol.

How hilarious was it when Tom was upset and cheered up by a bit of n sync, bless him :)

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The bb forum on digital spy seem to love Aaron, I have no doubt they're spending all they're wages voting for him :roll: I really hope he's first out tonight but I got a feeling it will be down to him and Alex battling for winner!
The bb forum on digital spy seem to love Aaron, I have no doubt they're spending all they're wages voting for him :roll: I really hope he's first out tonight but I got a feeling it will be down to him and Alex battling for winner!

WTF is wrong with these morons? How can people like him? His mega mood swings are embarrassing, he's such a nobber.

Gah, I have rage lol

You know sometimes i feel that its a fix. How can anyone who has watched the show actually be supporting the vile scumbag. Ugh, Just shows you what morons are out there. The boos were good though!
Poor old Tom.
Aarons going to be all nicey nicey now. But Cant Jay see that the make up was entirely on his side and Aaron didnt appoligise at all? If only we could vote to execute Ive really had enough now.
x Daisy
Well Aaron won! That shocked me, I wanted Alex to win!

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Im disgusted that such a vile person was voted for. I feel that it was a fix and since i think that the audience whoever they were were idiots i dont think i will be watching next time as it was painful to tolerate such a shit and watch him be supported.
x Daisy
I have sky plused it, but heard aaron won. Cannot believe people in this country are voting for complete *******s to win these days!

What happened to Rebeckha? How come she didn't show with the ex housemates??
Dunno but Gemma didn't show either! I mean Aaron got loads of boos when he won. How can the winner come put to boos! Eurrgh I hate him and his smug cockiness!
I really thought Alex would win it

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