Big Brother

Everyone seems cool bar the gypsy and Amy whatever her name is. Omg she is SO annoying never seen someone act so thick before, not a good look luv!
I don't know who most of these people are!!!
The only one I didn't know was the model dude, thinks it's bobby!?!

Finally got watching it

Love paddy the gypsy he's class - tara reid is full of something & looks a state - love kerry - hate mr paparazzi

Hate jedward but love their ability to wind people up, and love seeing people's reactions to them!


House is lookin great
I watched the first 4 go in and I'm now waiting for Oscar to nap so I can finish watching. I saw on FB who went in though and tbh I don't recognise most of the names I missed, apart from Jedward lol.

Looking fwd to watching to see if I recognise them!

Yes, no live stream confirmed on their FB page, they want to concentrate on social exposure or some crap. Like FB and twitter I guess?

Where's all the BB lovers??

Are you's watching it and enjoying it? Who do you's like/dislike?

I've been watching it but with last nights I missed bits - anyone see what was going on with Tara and Lucien & Amy??

I love it, but sad its not on live

I'm LOVING it so much. I love that it's all starting to get 'gamey' now, with Tara not liking Darryn and telling Bobby and Lucien they must stick together etc. And Lucien's little game with Amy.

Think Paddy is a bit of a stirrer, but I'm not sure if he's doing it on purpose or just a bit of a gossip maybe lol

So, so good. Good set of housemates!!

Well done BB!!!
I agree, I think its a good bunch, i'm not really too bothered about how famous people are, its watching them I like. And I agree, it is getting more into the game, they've been non stop together for a few days so the annoyance will kick in soon. Cant wait for tonights, gonna try & get everything done so I can sit down and watch it w/out having to get up.

I am loving it. Jedward are sooooooo annoying, I so couldn't handle living with them. Seriously who drops coleslaw on the floor and just leaves it? Gross!!

I loved when Bobby came to life too.

So, so good. Am really enjoying it, and can't wait for the normal bb to start too!
Meant to say, I wouldn't have picked up the coleslaw, or let anyone else do it, but if they did I would make sure it went on their bed lol. If it's not a big deal then they can sleep in it lol
I've got last nights and tonights to catch up on, so I think i've still to see the coleslaw bit!

Jedward are getting quite annoying though lool

I've got last nights and tonights to catch up on, so I think i've still to see the coleslaw bit!

Jedward are getting quite annoying though lool


They are soooo annoying! WTF is wrong with them? They are so not like normal 19 yr olds! They are the same age as Lucien ffs lol They're completely loopy!

I was liking bobby til he put the sweat in darryns water, that was so gross! At least he confessed, but still!!

I currently have no fave housemate, they are all as bad as each other lol
I'm loving it :yay:

I love Paddy, straight down the middle and him playing that dog :rofl:

I like Sally, she's much like Paddy and I do like Darryn too but then I like people where what you see is what you get :oooo: and they're outspoken too :D

Not liking Bobby, so get him out. He was like a a mouse until you knew he was up for eviction then started to breathe :lol:

Kerry is watching her p's and q's too much I think and over-thinking things, wish she'd settle down and stop trying to be everyones friend :roll:

I like Amy too

Jedward, omg they'd have been wearing that coleslaw. If my 12 year old spilled something she'd clean it :wall: They need some manners and acting lessons :oooo: and gaffer tape for their gobs!

So for me bobby to go :) I hope Sally and Kerry stay x
I think I'd rather Kerry go, but only because bobby and sally are more entertaining for me.

I was liking bobby, but I don't like when people get nasty, he went from being annoyed with them all to be a bully really and I don't like that. Sally I don't actually really like her too much, but she gets in there and that's what it's about.

Kerry is defo sitting on the fence too much, she could be a good housemate, but not sure if she can let herself go enough!
Thats me up to date at last. Cant believe jedward, what twats, really getting on my nerves now. Like Amy, she is so dumb its funny, kerry is ok, hope there's someone new in over the w/end, or something interesting happens. Like pamela too, hate the speakers wife (cant mind her name) is actually quite bitchy, I hate ppl like her.

Am glad Sally went on Friday. I really hope that Bobby can turn it around now, at least he realised what a goon he'd been and his face when he heard his boos was so gutted. Would be nice to see him turn it around.

Haven't seen last nights yet, gonna get to watch that later!!

I am soooooo loving it!!
i love bobby for the fact he tells ppl to there faces n is the only one standing up for others, it dont make him a bully atall. Darren is nasty n amy seems to lick whoevers arse is closest shes so 2faced its scary. (im not saying shes not entertaining)
I'm starting to dislike amy coz she's just so dumb. It annoys me that someone can be so stupid, although she is funny to watch at times.

Hate darren for some reason.

Looking forward to some good tasks that will test how strong their characters are!!


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