Big Brother

aaron is awful! i feel sorry for fay but im not too keen on her shes too "young" for her age iukwim

i rather louise staying

i think alex is brilliant. Shes young and a little blond but i think shes clever in the way she keep out of the bullshit and just enjoying her time with tom.
Im not fussed on Alex and I don't want her to win. I think she's way more cleverer than we think!
I CANNOT believe that at the start I quite liked Aaron... I must be mental lol What a nobber! I can't believe how he fucked around with the nominations. Fair dos if he don't wanna do what everyone is doing, but why not just say that before they all started doing it? And then telling his 'girlfriend' that he 'loves' that he would rather a different girl be in the final and he would vote basically against her again? LOL OMG And when they had that party and he wanted boy band songs and got in a sulk and wouldn't go to the party? But went in the loo to dance to - of all people - craig david. OMG he is such a goon. Can't believe he's going to be in the final. Pleeeease let him be first out! I really want Louise to stay this week, I loved how she put Faye up, LOVED it!

Sorry for the ramble lol
That loo moment made me cringe! Alex sibley much?? Aaron is such a cock, couldn't believe him last night!
I've just found this thread!!!!

I can't stand Aaron, he's such a twat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thing is it just need an outlet
I felt the same about john james last season to.
I found it hard to stomach the crowd and aarons brother being so vile to Fayes mum on eviction night to.
Grr. Uusally the bb audience vote the best person to win but sometimes viles but good looking shits make it into the final becuase some ladies especially the young ones are not good at picking up the warning signals and just focus on looks. Lets hope that they have finally seen the light.

The way he lied about doing it to get alex to the final was really shitty though.
I bet tonight that faye is back in his bed though, shes an idiot, i feel sorry for her but really just stop it now.

I think i want louise to win as since tom and alex started snogging i just feel a bit meh about them she seems to have been true and good person all the way though and shes tolerated gale force farts from Jay!

ooh and wtf 55k on a car ! I need to retrain as a plumber obviously.

cathartic that was !
x Daisy
OMG can't believe Faye let Aaron back in her bed. Errrrrr what a loser lol Honestly she is being mugged right off, I cannot believe she is so stupid. Even Jay tried to tell her in a round about way not to stand for it, and all she did was repeat herself over not understanding why he did what he did and is then in a mood with her? Seriously, if you can't figure out he's a wanker, you deserve to be mugged off lol
She is an idiot, her mum, her sister, her sisters boyfreind, her housemates have all told her hes a shit and still she crawls back to him. Idiot.

He makes my flesh crawl and i cannot stand the long old diary room narsisim. I dont just want him evicted now I want him horribley wounded or worse. .
I m glad Tom has seen the light and cant stand that both bb narration and aaron are calling him bitchy and agressive.
Daisy I LOVE your rage. I have the rage too, nobody understands lol You just gotta get it out there though xxxx
Thoughts on who you think will go stay ladies?

Notice how Aaron was being last night? Being nicey nicey and sucking up to Faye big time, I reckon to only make her chances better tonight...he's so so sneaky.
I really hope Faye goes, she might be a nice enough girl but I just have no respect for her at all. I really hope that Aaron is first out on final night too! I might even vote fo Louise today lol
Day needs to go but I don't want her to get booos

Aron is such a teenager with his moodswings! I can't stand him
Tonight im hoping for a good loud chant of GET AARON OUT, GET AARON OUT!!
Fayes an idiot i hope she gets out before him so she can see what a shit he is.
If Louise is out ill be so disapointed in the audience I might not even watch the final becuase thyell prbably get Aaron to win.

may have to watch it tommorow rather than tonight.
x Daisy
I want Faye out, but Lou is boring aswel!
So glad Faye went yesterday, think she handled it really well too. LOL@Aaron pretending to be gutted hahaa :rofl: Bet Faye doesn't wise up for a while, until he's milked it as much as he can!
I'm so gutted there's only a week left! I need to catch up but can't wait to see what happens with the cash situ! Hope Aaron only gets the tenner then loses! He is such a knobber, can't stand him!
I'm catching up on last nights, god, HOW MUCH DOES AARON WANT TO WIN??????????????

Going into the diary room and going on and on about the money? God, I hate him!!!!!
Aaron doing the striptease for Tom and jumping all over him naked!!! BORK!!!!

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Guilty much Aaron? That guilty you have to turn it around on Jay and Louise for playing up the cameras? He's playing mind games, he's such a big fat COCK.

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