Big Brother

i love bobby for the fact he tells ppl to there faces n is the only one standing up for others, it dont make him a bully atall. Darren is nasty n amy seems to lick whoevers arse is closest shes so 2faced its scary. (im not saying shes not entertaining)

I did like Bobby alot, it was just the sweat in the can thing and actually letting darryn drink it that made me want to vom.

Am glad he didn't go though coz it's the first time BB have had a good looking guy in the house lol

I don't like Darryn much tbh, he's so volatile. He seems to be holding it in alot, but then it does come out and he's quite nasty, esp to poor pamela. She is nuts, but she is harmless and genuinely nice. He seem to pick on the weak ones!

OMG Amy... wtf is she? lol
Maria did u see the one the other day where amy was talking about vodka & water? looool it was hillarious, she basically said that vodka & water isn't as strong as vodka & coke looool - Sally was like....a measure of vodka is still a measure of vodka no matter what you put it in!

Maria did u see the one the other day where amy was talking about vodka & water? looool it was hillarious, she basically said that vodka & water isn't as strong as vodka & coke looool - Sally was like....a measure of vodka is still a measure of vodka no matter what you put it in!


Yes I did see that, I couldn't believe it, it was hilarious. Seriously wtf lol
omg get amy out shes doing my head in. i agree how can someone be SO thick??
Glad Pamela went, nice enough woman but nuts and I don't think the others were very tolerant to her and it seemed a bit mean. Although living with her would drive me mad too lol

I hope Tara goes next coz she is too paranoid and it's really annoying. Please, please make her stop analyising every little thing!!!
WTF is going on with Amy and Lucien? OMG one minute she don't fancy him then she's literally throwing herself at him and OMG he's such a lad. He's so transparent and I can't believe girls still fall for his kind of crap. He's so cheesy it makes me want to vomit lol
I was raging on Friday, OH's friend was in & I was on the phone to my friend, I said to the guys....dont tell me who goes coz i'm gonna watch it on demand, well, I walked in to living room right at the second Tara was going out...grrrrrr

I eventually cought up but still not watched last nights....hate being behind.

You have to watch saturday nights ep asap lol. It's so cringey right near the end with Lucien. He's only 19 but really thinks he's irrisistable!! But the shocking thing is, he seems to be, well to them girls in the BB house anyways!

Darryns face is a picture watching it all unfold lol
oooooh just watched Saturday nights, wtf was going on there with Amy & Lucien, a bit wierd dont you think. What age is Amy again? I think she's well jealous of Kerry & her face totally changed when Lucien admitted he only sees Kerry as a friend.

Just need to catch up on tonights then i'm up to date.

They're all doing my head in now lol I have a bad feeling that jedward are going to win, but at the same time I'm not bothered who wins! But anyone other than them, well no, not darryn either lol

I'm looking fwd to the normal BB!!
OMG....................far too much 'Jedward in their briefs' for my liking..............its WRONG!!!! :sick:
Does anyone know when this one finishes? And what day the normal one starts?

I think the final is thursday and the normal one starts on Friday hun!

I think the final is thursday and the normal one starts on Friday hun!

ooooo I hope so, gonna check the listings quick.......

YES YES IT DOES sorry shouting lol

The winners story is on at 9, then 9.30 is the live launch. Yippeeeee lol

And yes too much jedward in their pants :sick:

Rest of the week is gonna be really exciting.

I've got 2 days to catch up on so i'd better get a move on before tomorrow night.

Really missing the live feed right enough.

Sooo... Whos going to win?

Oh well - best man won i'd say

Was nearly in tears there at the interview at the end.

Cant wait for tomorrow!!

I wanted paddy to win so very happy! I almost cried 2! Lol!
But seriously pamela anderson?????? Umm why? I actually can't stand her!

She's nothing like she used to be, what age is she now anyway?


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