i love bobby for the fact he tells ppl to there faces n is the only one standing up for others, it dont make him a bully atall. Darren is nasty n amy seems to lick whoevers arse is closest shes so 2faced its scary. (im not saying shes not entertaining)
I did like Bobby alot, it was just the sweat in the can thing and actually letting darryn drink it that made me want to vom.
Am glad he didn't go though coz it's the first time BB have had a good looking guy in the house lol
I don't like Darryn much tbh, he's so volatile. He seems to be holding it in alot, but then it does come out and he's quite nasty, esp to poor pamela. She is nuts, but she is harmless and genuinely nice. He seem to pick on the weak ones!
OMG Amy... wtf is she? lol