Best buy/ waste of money

Best buy- baby Einstein play mat!
Worst buy -breast pump lol I could bf so it's still sealed in box

The baby bath was £20 and not been used once, he baths with me

Really star? I'd love to try this as need OH's help to bath him as he's so slippery when wet lol and heavy! Do you just have a shallow one at right temp?

Our best buy moses basket Layla is 7 1/2 months and still sleeps in it (she is tiny lol) haven't found any thing we haven't used or had alot of use from
Our best buy moses basket Layla is 7 1/2 months and still sleeps in it (she is tiny lol) haven't found any thing we haven't used or had alot of use from

Wow we were looking for new cots for Owen as he had outgrown his Moses by about 12/14 weeks!! Lol
Another great buy is our angel sounds sound and movement monitor it really stops u worrying

Constantstar this is layla in her mosses basket (taken last night) health vistor said she needs to be in a cot but she is to small yet
Bless tiny Layla! Jack was in his basket until 6 months so that was a good buy!

Best buy is his video monitor, it's a security monitor really! It's a little 7 inch flat screen tv. It kept us calm while he was newborn and upstairs in his basket of a night and now it's still a godsend because he doesn't cry at all when he wakes up so at least we can see he's awake. Otherwise he could be laying up there ages and we wouldn't know he was awake!!

Bumbo was the worst buy but we borrowed it so technically didn't buy it! :) x
So glad we didn't buy a bumbo although OH did buy the mama & papa's one which is a similar thing but has a bit that comes out so can be used like a booster seat on dining chairs
Tinks-someone we know has the mamas and papas one and Sebastian actually sat in it to eat his lunch whilst we were at their house! He could get the tray off really easily but other than that it was brill! Much better than the bumbo imho
Best buy was our mosses basket, he used it for months and our activity gym. And couldn't live without the changing mat.
Worst buy was the jumperoo, but it was given to us. :)
Best buys:

* Definitely our movement monitor. Absolutely brilliant for peace of mind, I wouldn't be able to sleep without it!

* Our light show/mobile - it's the fisher price precious planet one and Poppy has loved it since day 1.

* The Bumbo has actually been fab, and I'm sure it helped Poppy to sit unaided at 5 months :) BUT I would say get it on ebay because they're not in them long - I tend to avoid putting her in it now because she just tries to get out of it.

* Our Quinny Buzz pushchair. It's brilliant and easy to manoeuvre, and Poppy looks so comfortable in it.

* Door bouncer - literally hours of fun!

Waste of money:

* Pricey items of clothing. We had so many lovely outfits bought for us as well as buying our own, and they out-grow them SO quickly it's just not worth spending out. Also, Poppy has ruined countless outfits with exploding nappies and food. I now stick to supermarket clothes or clothes that are on offer when I buy her new things. Any other 'posh' outfits she has have been given as gifts.
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Tinks-someone we know has the mamas and papas one and Sebastian actually sat in it to eat his lunch whilst we were at their house! He could get the tray off really easily but other than that it was brill! Much better than the bumbo imho

He thought it would last longer than a bumbo cause once you take the extra bit out it should last upto 12 months. I can see it ending up at a grandparents house instead of a high chair once I go back to work
Constantstar this is layla in her mosses basket (taken last night) health vistor said she needs to be in a cot but she is to small yet

Aww so cute!!!

This was Owen at about 10 weeks old getting big for his Moses


This was the day we built owens cot! He looks so small! Lol

But as u can see he needs the room:


Hehe :) x
Best buy: bouncer chair
Worst buy: Moses basket!! They are hardly ever in it for long and LO never slept well in it! Luckily mil bought it lol!

Bath things, the baby baths are usually pointless I love the terry toweling Z shape thing from mother care so simple and comfy!
Pushchair wise (I've had way too many!!) the mothercare my4... By far the most simple pushchair and fab to push and manouvre!!
My best buys are her Graco swinging chair, it gets her off to sleep in no time as it rocks by itself and plays all sorts of different music/white noise, her swaddle-me (obviously no good for babies who dont like being swaddled lol) and she's got loads of Lamaze stuff, including this dragonfly one which she loves hehe :)

Biggest waste of money has definitely been the clothes! We under-estimated just how fast she would grow and how much people would buy us. She wasn't in newborn for very long as she was quite a good birth weight and very long, we bought way too much 0-3 and shes in 3-6 and it fits her perfect - so theres no way they're gonna last till shes 6 months and shes got a whole closet full to wear lol. xx.
Oh and like Jaycees said they dont last in the basket for long. I moved Angel into her cot at 1 month x

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