Best and Worst buys?

laura23yrs said:
Thanks sherlock, I think I read you say that they are good for if the baby gets relient on staying on breast too long for comfort after a feed and think I will try them for the same reason so he doesnt get too attached to being on there ALL the time!xx

Yup, its why we went for that type. My LO hated coming off my boob (and often still fusses) and feeds went on for 3 hours plus as he would stop and start and comfort feed or sleep/dream feed etc. Now when he nods off and has fed well and then tries to grab my nipple to comfort feed I simply use the dummy and he is content. Once he is asleep and the dummy falls out I take it away. I don't use it for comfort at other times.
cant think of best buy, as i love my prams so it would probs be a pram :lol:

but worst buy was DEFO the bottles/steriliser/breastpump.

they never got used! lol used breastpump once - cudnt express :(

i bought them just incase.. shud have had more faith as i never used em..
Best: Sleeping bags, carriers (especially mei tai), vibrating bouncy chair, activity gym, lansinoh cream.

Worst: dummies, steriliser/bottles, breast pump, teething necklace, bibs. And muslin squares - I've hardly used them, he's not a messy baby at all and even though everyone seems to love them I can't think of anything to do with them! Oh, I did use one as a sunscreen clipped onto the hood of his pram when the parasol wasn't shading him enough once.
Best Buys
Sleeping Bags
Travel Cot - used in our room in place of the moses basket
Burping Cloths - use them for burping/wiping up milk/sick etc
Bouncy chair - great for popping LO in whilst cleaning/bathing etc

Worst Buys
Bottles - LO wont take my EBM from a bottle :roll:
Moses Basket - LO hated it
Baby Bath - she goes in our bath so much easier
Scratch Mitts - never needed these with Calleigh
I think it depends on the baby, they're all different, james loved his moses basket, logan hates it. James hated his carrier, logan loves it...

for logan...

best buys.

-muslin squares
-vibrating chair (id never get in the shower without it!)
-sling (great for boob feeding on the way to school!)
-changing mat
-tesco vests and sleepsuits in 0-3 months (very cheap but do the job brilliantly)
-jane slalom pro matrix travel system
-terry squares (keep him dry all night, will last years and dry quickly on a clothes airer when washed
-cotton bottom wraps (keep the poo in much better than pampers)
-nappi nippas
-lanisohl nip cream
-cot size blanket (use it in moses basket for daytime naps, in the pram when out, and eventually in the cot if grobags are in the wash
-baby wipes (though switching to reusable wipes when at home)

worst buys.

-bottles x 10!, steriliser, bottlewarmer (I was convinced the boob feeding would fail when pg!)
-nipple shields (nips never got sore enough for them)
-angelcare movement monitor (he's slept in my bed from day 1 with no signs of leaving, dont even want him to leave!)
-moses basket (he spends less than half hour a day in there!)
-womb sounds bear
-breast pump (havent tried expressing yet, would feel upset if OH gave him a bottle!!)
-bibs, never used
-newborn sized clothes (only had 3 sleepsuits and vests luckily)
-johnsons lotions and potions (he has dry skin so just use plain water)
-scratchmits (still sealed in packaging, it seemed cruel to cover his hands up when he loved them so much, he never scratched himself anyway)
Best - muslins and grobags.

6 weeks in, my worst is my expressing device - only tried to use it once on the same day he decided to have a growth spurt. 4 hours and no nipples later I didn't even have 1oz. Hopefully it'll be better when feeding settles down.
Remember, what's useful to one person may not be to somebody else and vice versa :D

My own personal best buys were:

Moses Basket
Bumbo Seat
Annabelle Karmel Recipie Book
Bottle fed baby so steriliser, bottles and bottle warmer
Dummies to soothe baby as he suffered with reflux, this really helped to soothe him
Play Gym
Sleeping Bags - absolute godsend
Cot top changer
Formula powder dispenser for when out and about to make up bottles
Avent Thermal Bottle bag to keep the bottle warm when out and about
Bibs - very sicky baby due to reflux so bibs were essential, couldn't have too many
Baby wipes - although used cotton wool and aqueous cream for the first few weeks
Baby bath from Wilkos
Nail scissors
Rainmaker toy from ELC, always stopped the tears
Books and toys. Especially musical toys.

Worst Buys
Bouncy chair - rarely used
Bought too many blankets, hardly used as we had our baby in summer 06 and it was really hot most of the time.
Sling - bloomin useless waste of money, difficult to use
Muslin squares - too thin to cope with amount of sick baby produced so didn't use them. Had to use tea towels instead.

Sure there are more but they're the ones that spring to mind
Best Buys:

Bouncy, vibrating chair
Play Gym
Steriliser (Tommee Tippee electric one that does 6 bottles in 5 minutes)
Muslins (although tea towels would do the same job and probably be cheaper! I made the mistake of buying mine from mothercare :x )

Worst Buy
:oops: Baby Shoes- she barely wears them and I can't be arsed to put them back on after every nappy change!
Moses Basket- she's been in her cot since she was 2 weeks because she moves around too much and was bumping into the sides :wall:
Best buys:

* Muslin squares (yes, me too)
* Nappy wrapper (dispenser bin thing)
* Coorie pouch sling - she loves it!

Worst buys:

* Top and Tail Bowl - never used!
* Swaddling blankets - used about twice as she likes her hands free.
The only useless thing we have is a bath support which is dumb enough to float when in water. The instructions suggest an empty bath and just having the taps running - how silly!!!

I love:

*muslin squares - great for bf-ing, i lay one on my pillow with bubbas head on it and the rest of it under my boob as they tend to pour!
*our nappy wrapper! We use it upstairs when we change bubba up there and I think it's fab!
*wet wipes - i think they're fab! We do use cotton wool and water too.
*baby leggings! I prefer them to sleepsuits (for the daytime!)

Lots of people didn't buy us newborn stuff because 'everyone does' and so we actually don't have enough of them! She was a smaller baby than we expected and her 0-3 month sleepsuits are really huge on her!

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