Benefits of babywearing (and full-term breastfeeding)

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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I had an awful experience nearly two weeks ago... It wasnt nice and i have to say that my love of 'attachment parenting' methods has really helped me get through

Jasper is now 14 months and though i havent worn him for around 2.5 months (since finding out i was pregnant and subsequently finding and buying a buggy) but as soon as i found out i was not with child i wanted to wear my son again.

Its amazing how much it has helped, having my little boy strapped to my back has made me feel less empty some how. I am still sharing the world with my young child and that makes me so happy

Same with breastfeeding. I was told by the hospital 'your milk will come in and it will be uncomfortable and very distressing knowing that you cannot feed your baby'

mum told me when it happened with her first child it was horrible :(

But i am still feeding Jasper :D So i just fed him a bit more and the closeness and extra cuddles were just what both of us needed after such a trying week.

so yes, 'alternative parenting' has sort of kept me going this week.

And i wanted to share x
I'm a big fan of attachment parenting, it's great to hear that it's such a comfort in what must be a very difficult time :)

Keep well xxx
I wish I was still breastfeeding Noa :( he stoped at 7 month :( wearing you baby is lovely but I stoped just before the summer as it got to hot for us both x
i got a buckle carrier for the summer, it was much less fabric than wraps or a mei tai so we could continue :) (mind yoy, i can't babywear in pregnancy cozm hips go soft, so i wasnt wearing him for most of the summer)
I stopped wearing C when He got too heavy! I am glad I'm still bf'ing though, we're just trying to get him to realise he can't just help himself in the mddle of Tesco lol!
how long did you babywear for? i found at about 9/10 months Jasper became very heavy but that was more to do with his stage of development rather than the actual weight, at around that age they tend to stop 'clinging' to you so much and therefore become a dead weight or worse, push away from you and feel even heavier! When he got to 11 months ish though, he got a sense of awareness about height and began clinging again. He is 14 months now and not too heavy at all. Though i have had to get an uber supportive, wide waist-ed full buckle carrier to carry him in.
I really enjoy wearing and bfing G still. Used to have a kari-me but swapped it out for an ergo baby cos he was getting too heavy for the stretchy material and it was too hot to have all that material!
So glad to hear that it has helped you through this horrible period.

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