Ovarian Cysts...

I opted out of emergency surgery on my left ovary to remove a cyst when I was 15 weeks....and am so freaking glad I did. This one is septoid and the ones on my right ovary are endometriotic.

I totally understand you refusing until you have finished having your babies hunny, I would be exactly the same although I do want another baby after this one and it's the multiple cysts that took me so long to conceive and I don't have that amount of time left so am having the cysts drained NOT removed a few months after the birth.

You trust your instincts, this is what I did and I avoided unnecessary surgery which could have resulted in mc or infection. It's your body and unless it's cancer or some other life threatening problem I say to let sleeping cysts lie until you are ready to deal with them

You go girl :pompom: xxxxxxxxxx

ps lol, cysts bursting is incredibly painful but I've been through it 3 times with no problems apart from the pain, the fluid is absorbed and gotten rid of the natural way. Look out for fainting as this is a sign the cyst is under pressure and drawing blood down to your abdomen. The last one that burst left a fragment 6 inches long, it;s estimated size was 12-18 inches in diameter :shock:
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Babybrain thats really interesting that you had them drained. I would probably be okay with that actually...

but they are NOT (and i am deadly serious) loping bits off me for no reason

draining it would not affect the ovary at all though...
i think you do right love, if its not necessary leave all that till you have your well earned bubs xx
Babybrain thats really interesting that you had them drained. I would probably be okay with that actually...

but they are NOT (and i am deadly serious) loping bits off me for no reason

draining it would not affect the ovary at all though...

Same here, it sounds daft but the surgeon only has to slip with the scalpel and it's goodbye ovary, I can handle a needle to drain and it's less painful with faster recovery time as Bertie will be needing me fit and healthy
Fi theres post's on the net from ladies who have wanted advice as they have also had a big cyst on there ovary which DID stop them from ovulating from the ovary the cyst was on. I think it goes by the size of the cyst. For some it has not been a problem & for others it has i.e they have needed fertility meds to help them produce better follicles from the ovary that does not have the cyst.

Its wrong to implay that they DONT stop ovulation as that not true is it. It's better to say that it can & cant as theres different veiws that it has for some & has for not on google ( this way we both right & neither is wrong)

Each month we have loads of cysts but there follicle cysts & sometimes if you dont ovulate from that follicle cyst it can still grow & grow but adventually that will burst, some cysts are corpus luitem cysts, onec ovulation has happend while they produce progesterone in the 2ww insted of shrinking to start af they continue to grow & these pop on there own. Needing surgery to have a cyst removed is quite intense this is why i thought well it must be seriouce i.e could effect your ovary, too big in size, & there not willing to take chances to leave it alone.

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Not all cysts cause problems so it's a 50/50 ratio I would say, mine have whereas in other women it doesn't. The repo system is very bizarre. My mum had cancerous cysts on both ovaries and still managed to conceive me 2 weeks after she was told if she wanted another baby to fall asap
Okay... well I have not been told by any medical professional that i have asked (and that has been at least 3, the ones with my last pregnancy, the one with this pregnancy and my GP) that it would cause any issues with my fertility.

And it clearly isnt causing issues with my fertility because i have conceived twice with it there...

Carnat mentioned she had a smaller cyst, that would not cause her problems i am sure

the ONLY issue with my cyst is size, its not serious or they would have been concerned about it years ago when it was first discovered, i think its just because its big and it hasnt gone away on its own that is their issue.

I think i am going to ask to have it drained, thats the best of both worlds i think..

I think its important not to tell people that their fertility might be affected unless there is good solid evidence that it is the case, which in this case, there is none x
I'm with you on the drainage, it's a good compromise and will help stop those niggley little pains that make us panic so much. Am surprised the doc didn't suggest it tbh, I thought they did whatever they could to avoid surgery these days. My consultant suggested it to me and I could have snogged her face off lmao
they just said they will do keyhole surgery to remove the cyst. I am not happy for them to do that though, they can drain it sure! i cannot see what issues that will cause but until i am done having kiddles, they can keep their knives away from my lady-bits!
It's 50/50 so it CAN effect fertility ... what are you talking about fi ?? Quote, ( I think its important not to tell people that their fertility might be affected unless there is good solid evidence that it is the case, which in this case, there is none ). Erh! there's proof that it has & one person just said its effected her i.e ( Babybrain )

I said it can effect (CAN EFFECT), because it can. babybrain above has experianced it for herself even she has said the same 50/50. So i am not gonna say it wont effect fertility if it CAN.

Am not in the wrong at all by saying it can effect peoples fertility because there IS clear evidence that it has for some & has not for others.

Yes we know its not effecting your fertility you have told me over again, my point being is it HAS for others.

I was never pointing the finger implying (oh fi your infertile because you have a 10cm cyst. NO not at all.
In your first post star, you said i would not be ovulating from my ovary because of the cyst. This is not correct, ovaries with cysts can still ovulate and you have repeatedly said i would only need surgery if their was an issue with the cyst which is also not true, i have stated again and again that i have a benign, fluid filled cyst which causes me no problems and does not affect my fertility.

I really did not start this thread in order to be told i 'must' have unnecessary surgery or for other people with ovarian cysts to be mis-informed.

there may be a chance that a cyst can cause low fertility, but it is clear in my case that conception is not something i have struggled with.

I think its important to make sure people are not led to believe that having an ovarian cyst is a problem, or that surgery is only offered if it is a problem as neither are the case

Up to 95% of women will get ovarian cysts at some point in their lives. Mine is large but symptomless and poses no problems. The ONLY issue with it is size as i have said again and again, yet am still being told 'there must be a problem for them to want to operate'

We need to make sure that if we are giving information it is correct and not likely to scare people, its a sensitive subject and i really did not start this topic to be informed of why I must absolutely have surgery, i wanted to speak to people who had been in a similar boat so they could advise me of how things went for them.

Babybrain has given me another option, getting the cyst drained which i will discuss with the doctor as i think its a really good idea.

I dont think we need to be suggesting what 'is' true or is 'not' true. Without a detailed understanding of a specific patient, or a degree in medicine, we cannot say for sure what is going on, and nor should we try to.
1. Apologies from me, as you did state what type of cyst it was & that it was painless. I over looked it in the 1st thread.

2. Yes i did say you wont ovulate from the ovary that you have the cyst on, but i never said you was infertile. What i should of said was cysts can effect fertility for some & not for others 50/50. I worded it wrong & never explained myself properley.

3. You say i shouldnt be telling people this ( scaring people ) was your words ... well well well ....

You want to take a note of your own book then, cause looking back at the JAB thread for newborns, you said enough in there to scare/insult enough people yourself.

AND i had no intension of frightening you nor any one, i dont see the point in this thread to be quite honest, because it seems you have answered your own questions, so why need other's advice if your only gonna tell them whats right from wrong. Dont make sence.

Dont want a full on debate cause this is the last time i will be posting in your thread .
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ummm... actually this thread has been very informative for me, Baby brain has given me a lot of information about how she has dealt with things and just because i have not blindly followed your advice, is not a reason for you to get insulting and suggest that there is no point in me having a thread.

Please show evidence that in every situation, an ovary with a cyst on it will not ovulate, because i must say i have looked around and around for any scrap of medical literature which states that and i cannot find one.

I think, star, that this is very different from the Jabs thread, which and I received a personal email from the person who started the thread, thanking me for my input!

That thread asked for peoples advice, this thread was not asking for advice, lest of all advice from people with no personal or medical experience of the problem, who have read a few pages on google and decided they are experts!

stating, that there is a 50/50 chance of an ovarian cyst causing fertility problems is simply wrong. Each case is different. This is about MY situation not a general excuse to make up information about ovarian cysts!

Thank you SO much to those people on this thread who have supported me, Babybrain its been really useful to speak to you x

I will keep everyone updated as to how i get on x
Its not as simple as saying its 50/50, thats like saying every person who has a large ovarian cyst has a 50% chance of having problems with it, i think, that without proper medical evidence of that fact, it is not something you can generalise.

It is really up to us and also to our medical professionals to make a case by case judgement based upon our personal cirumstances. Coming up with random numbers is really not necessary.

As i have said, this was NOT meant to be a general thread so that we could all scare each other about the dangers of ovarian cysts, I just wanted to find people who had been in a similar situation and could let me know how it had turned out/what had happened to them...

and i have not 'just looked on google' i have discussed this with 2 consultants, 3 midwives and my local doctor as well as discussing it with herbalists and researching it myself online.

because its about me so of course i am going to be thorough and find out the most information i can.

I am sorry i did not follow your advice and just get bits of myself lopped off Star, but really advice should be offered not forced...
I had an ovarian cyst many years ago. I was in total agony for months on and off. Dr kept taking blood tests but nothing was found. It wasnt till i became pregnant and mc that the hospital found it at a scan. I was took into hospital within 48 hours to have the cyst removed by keyhole surgery.I didnt lose any ovaries or anything and i healed within the week. Pain gone.
Personally I have been told by several different docs and consultants that cysts don't affect the uterus, they don't cause mc etc and from my own research I have not found anything to suggest otherwise and trust me I researched everything I could to prevent me having surgery at 15 weeks. The only problem during pregnancy is if they burst and the mother goes into shock (which I did when my first one burst, I was in so much pain I nearly punched a nurse when she tried to straighten my legs :() but apart from that there's no risk.

With cysts I do very much believe in knowledge is power. Knowing what you are dealing with provides many options.

Fi I will say that the only time I have had no evidence of cysts is when I had acupuncture, they disappeared completely which was totally amazing. It should be on the nhs in my opinion but what do I know lol.

Please feel free to pm me hun if you want to know anything. My own research has also suggested that cysts also react well to a diabetic diet if you also want to try a natural approach before you have it drained xxxxxxxx
Dragonfly fi, the cyst had nothing to do with my mc just so happened that i had it when i was pregnant. Must have had it long before i became pregnant.

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