Ovarian Cysts...

yes they suspect mine had been there for long before Jasper was born x

did they offer you any alternative? like having it drained?

sorry to hear about your MC :hug:
No they didnt offer me any alternative, and at the time my head was so far up my own ar*e i didnt give it another thought when they said they would have to remove it asap. Just glad they didnt remove anything else.
My worry is that if they remove it (given that its large and has been there a while) they will damage or remove the ovary as well...

So i think i am going to tell them they can drain it but not remove it.

I can't believe they are not offering that as an option! i will have to ask my consultant on the 15th why that is
Maybe it's cos you are fertile and don't see it as causing any harm to the ovary, whereas for me being subfertile they don't want to interfere too much......dunno really but hope they do consider it for you xxxxxxxxx
Hi this is my first post on this forum so hopefully I've put it in the right place. I'm 35 and was diagnosed with a large simple cyst on me left ovary in August. The actual size is 18cm by 15cm - looks huge on the images. I really had no symtoms apart from starting to feel bloated and uncomfortable and an occasional pain on the left hand side of my groin area which gradually got worse over about 6 months. As we were ttc I decided to get checked out and this is what they found. The bloating has got a lot worse and I also wondered if anyone else has suffered with indigestion from their cyst? Maybe due to the size. anyway i'm scheduled for keyhole in early december but was told that depending on the damage that they may have to remove the ovary. I have not been offered any alternative and the main reason for the removal is because of the size and to be honest I am very uncomfortable now and cannot fit into most of my clothes due to bloating so looking forward to not having a huge belly for the wrong reasons!! It would be good to hear from anyone who has had the surgery and also from others who have conceived with one ovary as this is an great worry as we have no children.
Hi Wilson x

sorry your having such problems with your cyst! mine is 10cm x 10cm but considerably smaller, i have no symptoms either

I hope that you can find some further answers, I am going to get mine drained rather than removed because i am not comfortable with them messing with the ovary xx

best of luck keep us posted
Hi Dragonfly
Thank you for posting back - no one has ever mentioned just draining the cyst - I will have to ask them about this. Will yours still involve keyhole surgery to drain it? We had been ttc for about 8 months (which i know isn't long) but they did say that it could have affected conception but did say that we could carry on trying in the meantime - we decided not for the moment until its all sorted. I will definitley look into the alternatives and keep any eye on the posts as its reassuring to hear from others in the same boat.
Good luck with yours too
i think they do the surgery to drain it but just dont then cut it off...

to me it seems like a good middle ground between having it removed and letting nature take its course. If after i have had other children it is still there, i will probably have it removed then x
My cysts in the past have caused bloating due to size and also fainting cos of the pain. I ended up on self administered morphine every month but mine aren't simple cysts they are septoid and endometriotic. The first one that I had that burst left behind a fragment measuring 6 inches :shock: estimated diameter of the cyst was 12-18 inches. Burst cysts are very rare mind you

Discuss all the options you can, sometimes surgery is the best way and sometimes it isn't.

TTC makes everything a bit more complicated, partly I think because we are thoroughly peed off that something is making us "unperfect" I suppose.

Once my baby is here I am having mine sorted cos I can't afford to wait to so long to conceive again (cysts don't always affect fertility, I was just unlucky)

Raise a glass to the cyst-busters lol xxxxxxxxx

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