Been pushed into the 2ww, kicking and screaming

ok i'll test sat or sunday and see what happens! had a lovely snooze and woke up to OH in bad form.....had a massive row! oh how men annooy me at times!!!

oh god, this wait is killing me! its painful!

don't wanna waste a test by testing today...8dpo is way to early!!!!!
Dont do it hun, it makes you feel rubbish when there's nothing there. I've got a stack of cheapies and couldn't resist this morning (way too early I know), that was silly xxx
Another cheapie, another bfn - up yours Internet cheapies, I don't want to see your stinky line anyway, so there! x
well it's prob a bit early at 7dpo anyhooo :hug: hopefully you'll see more by the weekend tho xx
smokey can give you all the dust that she's gonna owe me!! :hug: xx
Just done an fmu 25mlu/ml - definite bfn, I'm losing hope now. Doesn't help that I actually have no idea what dpo I am. I'll do a opk later, yesterdays opk had no line x
Aaaaw cos. My cheapies were 10miu and even at 12dpo the lines were kinda faint though visible. Maybe leave it a little longer xx
I will probably test every day until af comes now. Cervix is really high (almost out of reach) and I think it's firm, don't know if that means anything though. No implantation bleeding that ive seen. Terrible bloating and some low stitch like pains, could be nothing though x
I know, I'm bored with it now lol. I go away on mom day, thank god, that will occupy me for 5 days! xx

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