bank charges

I have £145 worth, my sister has loads she lit up when i told her about this, thanks weestar!! :D
The easiest way to find your charges as weestar said is to go through your online bank statements, Lloyds TSB have a bit where you can search your statements for charges - you can then just print these off and add them up, saves you hunting through your paper statements (we did this for DF as he is with Lloyds).

Another handy website is

Its defintitely worth doing, good luck everyone who makes a claim. :hug:
also on gmtv the other morning they said if you dont have access to internet banking you can go into your branch and ask them to give you a statement of bankcharges over the past 6 years and THEY HAVE TO GIVE YOU THEM dont back down in any way its your money they have taken!!!!

wish everyone the best of luck and im so glad i put the post up now :wink:

My bank charges add up to almost £2000 :shock: - I can't help but worry that they'll make banking with them difficult though. All the personal accounts, mortgage, loans, business accounts, life assurance, and the kids savings accounts are with them, what if they get arsey with me? Crikey, my bank controls my entire life :?
they cant get that arsey with you though!
because your still paying loads to them with all your savings ect then they will want to keep you but at the end of the day whats £2000 to them?
its your money your right to get it back
good luck
for the last 2 years iv paid £25 a month for going over my overdraft, DH has been doing it for 4 years, We looked up that website and sent the letter to HSBC and have had no reply. :wall:
after 28 days jenna send teh second letter the threataning one to take them to court now they will soon cough up keep at it hun dont give up :wink:
weestar21 said:
after 28 days jenna send teh second letter the threataning one to take them to court now they will soon cough up keep at it hun dont give up :wink:

ill get my husband on it, he sent the 1st one about 4months ago. If we get back as much as theyve taken we could pay off all our debts with that!! :shock:
:cheer: :cheer:

all the banks will beshitting it because this has been realesed and they will be indated with letters from people wanting their cash back so i wont be surprised if it takes that little bit longer

i have heard though for people who are owed over £5,000 its more than likely it will go to court so be prepared just incase it happens but YOUS WILL WIN THE CASE and not be made to pay leagal fees


I heard about this a little while ago and am in the process of claiming for my mum, we waiting on bank statments from ABBEY, they have send half just waiting on rest which they said few days then i will be putting a claim in my my parents

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

just a quick bit of good news for anyone dealing with teh bank of scotland i found out today that my SIL friend has just got back £3,400 out of court settlement WELL DONE YOU :D

good luck everyone else
mum2be? said:

I heard about this a little while ago and am in the process of claiming for my mum, we waiting on bank statments from ABBEY, they have send half just waiting on rest which they said few days then i will be putting a claim in my my parents


Did The Abbey charge you for this?

Well done to your SIL friend weestar!! :cheer:

Even if your acccount is now CLOSED you CAN claim back the bank charges, so long as they are within the last 6 years (in England & Wales, 5 years in Scotland).
I closed my account with Lloyds after snowballing charges so I'm going to dig out my Statements now! :lol:

Good luck to everyone who is claiming their charges back!!
:shock: :shock:
im not sure if we will be bale to claim because that account was in so many charges it went to their collections department :oops:

will look into it further and keep yous posted

i detest lloyds tsb they have to be the worst bank for charges :evil:
God I won't tell you how many charges I had for such rediculous amounts from LLoyds TSB! :shock:
Go to that webiste GMTV are showing and join the forum there to ask, they may be able to tell you if someone else has been in the same position??
We normally get charged when we've paid by a check and the people that we pay it to (was normally callums preschool) don't pay it in for about 3 weeks so we assume its gone out.

We then get charged for them paying (they never relly charged us for going over drawn aslong as we had the money in within the next couple of days so wasn't too bad)

But lucky for us hubby has a mate that a manager at on of our banks branchs so he just phones him and he takes the charges off :shhh:

I hate poeple who do that with cheques, I check my account every couple of days and tick the cheques off due to go out and make a note of whats not gone, but it is such a struggle trying to keep up with it all half the time!
Lucky you having a bank manager as a mate :wink:

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