baby showers??


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Hi girls, need some thoughts....

My friends and I had a baby shower for another friend a few months ago, the first we have done and it was a lovely afternoon. But now the girls are talking about sorting mine which I was excited about, managed to come up with some gift ideas as we are team yellow its not so easy for them but managed to come up with a bit! My friend plans on doing a garden party with games etc....

When hubby asked about it he didnt really agree and said it feels wrong to expect gifts, I do actually in a way agree with him...the more I think about it I do feel rude! Its not like I would make a list for my birthday! Also Im thinking if the girls choose to buy after the baby is here then thats up to them but I feel by having the shower the will all feel like they have to!

Im considering having the baby shower but NO GIFTS!

What do you all think about this?! Please help!!!! xx
I would do comething really low key (so just a few close friends) and make them promise to not do any gifts. Tell them they are welcome to buy bub something when he/she arrives but you'd prefer not to have too much bought before the birth.

I am sure they'll understand - why not suggest going out for afternoon tea somewhere lush so it's not a convential "baby shower"

This is my second problem, Im lucky but there are loads of us! We are a big crowd and all good friends, just booked a table so we can all catch up and that is 14 women!!! It is a case of if we invite .... we have to invite.....and ....etc!!!

So hard, we all go out often and catch up, we speak pretty much every day on chat apps so there is no choice about loew key plus if we were to do it I wouldnt want to miss anyone, then the other issue is I would like my mum there, which means I have to ask my step mum, all 3 sisters, my mil who always wants hubbys gran to join in so the I would have to ask my gran!!!! Its always like this!!!x
How about instead of gifts tell them you will set up a charity box either for money or items you can donate to a childrens charity that way they can donate what they want. Each could donate an item of clothing that you will donate to nspcc or a cash box they can chose to or not donate.

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I didn't really feel right about expecting gifts for mine either. I just mentioned to the girl arranging it a few vague things that we might need a few of like bibs, towels etc, but made sure she put on invites "presents not required your prescence is more than enough" - it meant those who insisted on gifts weren't wasting money on things we didn't need, but everyone knew that wasn't the purpose of the party. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Me personally - I don't like the thought of 'expecting' presents... I feel that if people want to buy baby something when they visit. But on the other hand, if it's close friends, like you sound like you are, then it's just a good reason to have a get together :) celebrate you becoming a mummy... Even if you said no presents I'm sure they would still come bearing gifts! :) ... I really think it all depends who's invited eg closeness... And you could request no pressies!!
Or you could ask your friend who's organising it, to just ask everyone to chip in £5 or £10 and get you a pregnancy massage, or hairdresser vouchers or your nails done etc...xx
Yea think the no gifts is my best option! I own a beauty salon so no beauty vouchers!!!! Ha ha! Just hard, do want to offend anyone! X
This is the exact reason why I dont want a baby shower. At first I did but then I remembered how picky I am when it comes to clothes and things for baby and I dont want to seem ungrateful! As its my first, I want to be able to buy everything myself with OH and with the size of my massive family and friends, there wouldnt be anything left for me to buy. Also, I think the people who buy a gift for the shower would then feel bad for coming to visit the baby after hes born without a gift and two presents is just greedy!
So instead, Im thinking of arranging a standard BBQ when the weathers nice and we can all talk baby and I wouldnt say n o to a bit of cake :) xxx
I think putting on the invites something about not requiring them to bring a gift is enough. Some people will buy reguardless of what u say to them. If they want to then that's fine and there choice, but u don't expect anything so its there choice.
Yea I think I will go ahead with the baby shower but request no gifts!!! Just a good girlie day :) not really a baby shower them just another get together with a few baby games chucked in!!! X
If I was going to a baby shower I would want to buy a gift. That's the exciting part!! Could you make a rhyme to put on invitation if they buy gift now they R relieved at birth but if they want to wait till the both to find out the sex they can! So that's like giving them the choice. If they're urfriends they'll prob love to buy twice, I would!! You'll be returning the favour whn its their turn! Xx
I'm probably being really stupid here but I always thought that was the purpose of a baby shower - shower the baby in gifts lol, I never even thought of having one, lovely idea :)

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Hey. I had my baby shower this evening . My best friends arranged it all. The wonderful thing that they had decided to do gifts but because they all want to buy little man stuff when he arrives they got me some lovely pamper stuff. But only if they wanted to do a gift. No one was put in a place they had to. We all had a wonderful time and played some children's games like pass the parcel lol. Xxxx
My friends are organizing one for me, I only know because they're using my house!

But I have said I feel rude expecting gifts so instead of a baby shower its more of a get together with friends. I think people may still buy bits but I keep emphasizing they really don't need to x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Hi, hope you don't mind me tri hopping!

My mum and best mate are arranging my baby shower - so apart from giving them a suggested guest list I don't have anything to do with it!! Although I am assuming that there will be gifts at the baby shower I would think that they will be little things. And I certainly wouldn't mind if some people didn't get gifts, I am excited to have a bit of girly time!

What about suggesting everyone donates money to a bank account for your LO? That way people can put in as little or as much as they like, and it will all go towards the future of your baby?
I've organised two baby showers & done afternoon tea with cupcakes, sandwiches & played some party games plus you there's lots of baby related games out there.

There was never any expectation for presents but some did & some waited till after the birth. Don't worry about it :)

I'm not having my own baby shower but that's because I moved last year far away from friends and family :( so would expect them to travel for it.

My friend had one not long ago with bunting & a get together it was lovely...enjoy!xxx
I didn't want a baby shower for the reason of not feeling comfortable accepting gifts..
MIL has organised one for my hen do :\...
AND she put on the invites "please hand gifts to Manda" etc etc...
I mean, come on!? I don't want gifts! :(
Thanks for ideas girls, as us girls get together a lot, I have said to my friend who was going to arrange it to leave it and will can do a get together after the baby arrived that way everyone knows what we have had boy/girl and it's u to them if they buy! I'm happier with that!! X

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