Baby Shower


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2006
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Is anyone here having a Baby Shower? I don't think they normally have them here in the UK, its more of an American thing, isnt it?

I threw a Baby Shower for my friend who had her baby back in January. It was great fun to have the girls around and you get loads of gifts for your newborn.

The games are really fun and hilarious too. Here's a link for games:

I will probably have my Baby Shower in October.
People do have them in the UK.

I had mine already :) my mom organised it.
I had one last week. My mum organised a surprise baby shower in my house. My OH told me we were going out for a meal but had to go to his friends for a bit first for him to do something to his computer for him. When we left his friends he said he had picked up the wrong cash card and so had to nip home to get his other one. When we got home he asked me to go in and get it as he was driving and would wait in the car but then as I was going in the door he got out and said he actually needed to come in to go toilet. When I walked in to the front room a load of family and friends were all waiting for me. I had no idea and it was really nice. We had lots of food and drink (soft drink for me) and I got loads of pressies which were mainly things like nappies, wet wipes, plain babygrows(we don't know the sex) and bibs and bits and bobs for the nursery. We also had pin the dummy to the baby which is our own version of pin the tail on the donkey where you have to get the dummy in the baby's mouth and we had baby pictures stuck up on the door of all the family and the friends had to guess who was who. I would reccomend having a baby shower party as it is fun and if you are feeling a bit down it will really cheer you up.
I wouldn't mind having one if someone threw me a surpris eone, but i'd feel kinda funny doing one for myself, as if to say give me stuff! If you understand where i'm coming from!!
Soozee said:
your mom? are you from the usa?

Ey, why would she be american to organise a baby shower for me, its not weird for this country... like i said we have them in the UK aswell its not just an american thing...
Its just because you wrote mom instead of mum. So I thought for a sec that someone was from America. Everyone always gets pissed off at me for being American. I never said baby showers were only an American thing. Its just more rare here. I threw a baby shower for my neighbour who knew about baby showers in America, but never had one for her other two kids. She was really pleased with all the games and gifts, plus all her friends getting together. I'm glad I could organise the party for her. Even though its really only supposed to be for first time mothers. But who cares! Its fun for every new babe.
Soozee said:
Its just because you wrote mom instead of mum. So I thought for a sec that someone was from America. Everyone always gets p*ssed off at me for being American. I never said baby showers were only an American thing. Its just more rare here. I threw a baby shower for my neighbour who knew about baby showers in America, but never had one for her other two kids. She was really pleased with all the games and gifts, plus all her friends getting together. I'm glad I could organise the party for her. Even though its really only supposed to be for first time mothers. But who cares! Its fun for every new babe.

whoa hold on!!! since when was i pissed off at you for being american!?!?!?! i dont care if you're american, indian, irish, yellow, green or from the planet bloody mars

All i was saying is we do have them here and as far as i thought baby showers were an british thing and not an american thing!! i didnt even know you had them over there till now...we say mom here too sometimes, and not everything is american lol :rotfl: :rotfl:

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