Baby Jakob is back in hospital (From Cassi) *updated pg3+4*

Aw no!

Fingers crossed he's out before you know it.

Lucy said:
Cassi I hope you and your wee boy can return home soon.

I wonder, has her milk come in yet? Mine was day 4 I think which seemed like months at the time, remember to keep offering him the breast all the time Cassi - your milk is the perfect food for him at this time.



I think her milk has come in now, she was expressing like Daisy the cow (in her words!) and trying to get as much for him as possible and to get it going, but he was IV fluid fed when he was taken in so she won't of been allowed to offer him breast. I'm sue he is back asking for it now though, hopefully the IV is out, I'll have a chat with Cassi later anbd see how he's doing. :)
Would she not have been able to give him the breastmilk via tube? Surely that's more calorific than fluid?
He wasn't having breastmilk via tube, he was having IV fluids, just clear fluids. She was expresssing and giving him some milk though from what I understand, but he vomited it all back up. They were obviously more concerned that he was hydrated than being fed.
Obviously being hydrated is important, but if they're concerned about his weight then breastmilk is the best thing for him. I just hope that Cassi isn't being bullied by the hospital staff, I've heard too many negative stories about how they tend to take over from breastfeeding mothers.
I feel I was pushed onto formula too easy when Stanley was in for jaundice.

I was naive and not even told I could mixed feed or express. I thought you had to do one or other.

I was so horrifed when he started coughing up bile through dehydration and starvation I couldn't get a bottle to him quick enough.

My milk didn't come in until day 5 :(
:hug: Minxy. That's the sort of situation I've heard of before, they really tend to put the pressure on in some places. :hug:
I'm sure they're not Kina and I'm not sure how the situation has changed since last night and today, he might be back on breast now instead of IV fluids. but the most important thing when he went in was to be hydrated, which is what breastmilk should of done if he was feeding normally and putting weight on. She was continually expressing to keep her milk going and by the sounds of it they wern't bullying her to stop breastfeeding.

Damien was the same, when he was very poorly he was IV fluid fed, no milk, till he was re-hydrated, then he was eased back onto milk slowly, which is probably what they will do with Jakob.
I'm sorry your hospital didn't make you more aware Minxy, they should of let you know your options more for you and Stanley.
I think I gave up too quickly, I just wasn't prepared for it to be difficult :(

Cassi, on the other hand was SO prepared and determined about what she wanted to do that I hope she is getting all the support she and Jakob need :hug:
Minxy said:
I think I gave up too quickly, I just wasn't prepared for it to be difficult :(

Cassi, on the other hand was SO prepared and determined about what she wanted to do that I hope she is getting all the support she and Jakob need :hug:

If I'd been in the same situation I would most likely have done the same thing. This time round I know a lot more and won't be bullied at all.

Hope Jakob is lots better today Cassi.
Cassi, sorry hun I have been in cloud cuckoo land this weekend and missed this. I am so sorry to hear this but can only echo what Kina says. We are all here for you hun, if you need any advice let us know. All I can say is follow your heart, you are his mum and you will know what to do for the best. Dr's aren't always fully clued up on breastfeeding neither are midwives sadly but there are support lines out there who can really help. This is a really common situation hun and it is not anything you are doing. :hug: hope he is better soon

Minxy - that is awful. there really needs to be more support. I felt completely abandoned and my milk didn't come in for ages (day 6). There is so much pressure to be feeding right and weight gain that I can fully understand why new mums feel under pressure.
Just seen this post, hope Jakob gets better real quick.

On a positive note, it seems from peoples responses that this is quite a common thing, which is always reasuring. Hopefully you will all be back home together soon.
Minxy - yeah I knew Cassi was very determind with how she wanted to feed Jakob which is why I really hope she is getting the support she needs and the correct information. My friend was adamant she would bfeed and then she had a c/section and was really poorly after it, had bad advice and then stopped and she then went into a really bad depression about it because from the off she was so sure how she wanted to do things and couldn't get her head around the dissappointment and situation she found herself in.

Thinking of you Cassi, hopefully we'll get a positive update today

Hope Jakob gets better soon Cassi. Thinking of you :hug:
any news on how the lil one is doing.

Kepp your chin up cassi I'm sure he will be home with you safe and sound soon.

Sending lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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