*Baby Jack born!* Waters broke yesterday, having baby today!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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Had to tell someone other than our parents! I'm 38+3 today and my waters broke yesterday (while making cupcakes!). Typical, just like last time no regular contractions. Just the occasional painful one. Have to wait until 1pm today then call mat unit and go in to be induced. I'm a bit suprised this is all happening now to be honest. My DD was born 13 days over due. She's staying with gradparents until we come home with baby now and I feel so emotional about it all. I miss her so much. I'm a bit shocked I'm having my baby boy today/tomorrow morning at the lastest. I don't feel prepared! I'm also full of cold and haven't got over 4 hours of sleep each night for the last week. Please be thinking of me!

Sal xx
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Good luck Sal, don't worry 2 weeks early is fine - enjoy these hours for your new baby, and then you, your OH and your daughter can spend some baby time togetherwith your new arrival.

Will be looking out for news after work today!
Ooohh yay!! Good luck xxx

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Oo good luck Hun! Look forward to hearing when you've had your little man!
Good luck dear..u r lucky not to go over due..couple of hours only..I will be jumping if I am in labour at 38 weeks..:) I am 2 scared of going over due..
Good luck hope all goes well cant wait to read ur announcement x
:yay: good luck hun. Don't worry my little man was 2weeks early and was fine xx
Good luck. My first 2 were 2 weeks late and my 3rd 3 weeks early. Really throws you doesn't it c
I'm still here, rather annoyed I'm not getting contractions. A little scared of being induced to be honest. I'll update you all later if I'm able to bring up website on my phone. All feels a bit surreal!

Thanks for your good luck messages xxx
Good luck sal, hope it all goes ok and comes along naturally...no induction :hugs:
Good luck hun! How exciting, wish I was u!! It'll be fine :yay: x x

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