My waters have broken!

Yaaaaaaaaaaay! Good luck to you gingerpig! Can't wait for your good news, come on little one! :hug: xxx
hope everything is going well, xxxxxxxxxx
Fiona said:
oh gingerpig - this is so exciting - your post brought tears to my eyes !

Sadly I think most of my posts do that :wink: Not long for you now though :D Not sure about tea time at all, baby jumping about a little and some lower back pain, lots of fluid and little else lol. Ooooooooo and Kirly, if it is a boy, we might call him Sam. Might lol, have to see what baby looks like first - could always look like a Gerald.....

tc all and thank you for the good wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
oooh we could have two Sam's :cheer:

Hope it speeds up a bit more for you , def a boy,keeping you hanging on! :hug:
OOOooohhh!!! I just saw this! A little jealous, but SOSOO excited for you! I hope you have a quick and easy labour! Congratulations! :hug: :cheer:
Good luck hun and hope you have a lovely experience :cheer:
ooo.. could be a baby born on my birthday!!

come on lo - make your grand entrance today! :dance: :cheer: :hug:

good luck ginger! :hug:
oooooooooooooooh goodness only just seen this thread - good luck Ginger darlin' :cheer: :cheer:
woohoo goodluck Gingerpig hope all goes well
Hmmmm well nothing exciting as yet..... All seems to have gone very quiet, and I've even had a lovely kip in bed lol. I've just done accupressure points to see if baby wants to get moving again and I've got some back ache starting - strange to want to be in pain *sigh* If I dont go into labour before the 11th I will be induced then anyway. *throws around labour dust and waddles out*
hope everything starts for you soon hun xxxxx
sending you some contraction dust over...Come on out LO

Yay thats great hun, hope the contractions start for you when my waters broke i wasnt having contractions so i was induced. Lets hope things speed up for you , throwing labour dust your way.
Good luck with everything :hug:
Ooh exciting! Hope all goes well and you're holding baby soon. :hug:
Ooooo c'mon lil one.....its a lovely day to meet your mummy :hug:
Gud luck GP :hug:

Ruby was back to back, and the only pain I had was low backache, it wasnt too bad but I never got into established labour :roll:

Keep bouncing on that ball doll..hope you are soon holding LO xxxx
i've only just read this... any joy?!

good luck with it all, yay!


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