Baby hiccups low down - head down baby ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Bubs currently has hiccups, it is a very weird feeling isnt it :?

I feel the actual hiccup bumping part right down low, but then get what i think are like mini kicks at the top
Could this mean that he is head down ???

Where do you feel baby hiccps and how is yours lying ??
My little man hiccups at least twice a day, and I always feel the hiccups very low (bikini line level), and he has been head down since my 20 week yes looking very positive!
:wave: morning hun. My little boy is head down and he had hiccups last night.. It is such a weird feeling down below. I have also had little movements up towards my breast. I felt so sorry for him. I would say that your baby is head down :dance:
When my LO hiccups I feel it all over my right side! But also low down and in my back :shock:
ooh ooh ooh fingers crossed then - so silly but i really want to try and have my baby naturally to prove my mum wrong (she had 3x c-sections as we have a family history of shortness and small pelvises)

At every MW appt ive been told he is breech but i suddenly feel MUCH more comfortable and can sleep at night now, not one big lump up high but 2 (which i think is a bum and feet) - i've had a feeling he's been head down for a few weeks :cheer:

Hiccups are a funny thing - i always think ive sat funny or lay on a nerve as it feels like a sort of heavy pulsating :lol:
Mybubs is head down, and I feel my hiccups on the right lower side.
They are well weird!
Hi ya,

i get the same. My baby seems to constantly have hiccups.

Baby had hiccups at my m.wife appointment this week. We could hear them when she listened in on the heart monitor. Very amusing! bless little bubba. I can see my tum move everytime baby hiccups. Its so cute!!
I felt bubs hiccup for the first time thursday night lol seems i've been missing out :D
Yup, my baby has hiccups every morning and every evening and sometimes in between as well! Baby is definitely head down with its back on my left side so I feel the hiccups very low down on my left hand side - this is also where MW picks up the heartbeat which makes sense........... :dance:
Towards the end I used to feel like she was hiccuping at the bottomof my tummy at the side above from where the leg is.
It was a weird feeling and she used to do it a lot.

Id take it as babieshead is down hun.
My LO has hiccups all the time, actually concerned me at one point as she had had then 4 times in one day.

My baby is head down & engaged & I always feel them low down on bikini line too. x
pie&twink said:
My LO has hiccups all the time, actually concerned me at one point as she had had then 4 times in one day.

My baby is head down & engaged & I always feel them low down on bikini line too. x

Jaeda used to get them up to six times a day and funnily enough she was the same when born lol but has calmed down now.

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