Baby eczema

We've been using epaderm which is really greasy but really helps him. It doesn't help the itching though, I wonder if Piriton would help? Does it need to be prescribed Or can I gt it over the counter? Every morning he looks like he's had a fight with a cat, no matter how short his nails have been cut :( he gets it off his dad, although his dad doesn't have it now, he had it terrible when he was a baby. Xxx
U can buy it over counter but i think its from 12ms+ .. Unless dr can prescribe a smaller dose weigt depending.. Im not to sure hun! Xxx
The Dr will prescribe it. It does help with itching. Lily's 16lb and she can have up to 2.5ml 2 times a day. Lily also is likely to be asthmatic ( as she responds to inhalors and she's very wheezy ). I'm also keeping a food diary for her as I'm certain it flares up after specific things she's eaten but want to be sure. My son had it mildly as a baby but he grew out of it by 12 months old xxx
She's 16lbs... Isaac is 19lbs 13oz lol, he's 5 month old! I'll phone the drs and she what she can do! his body doesn't itch it's just his face?? strange xxx
She's 16lbs... Isaac is 19lbs 13oz lol, he's 5 month old! I'll phone the drs and she what she can do! his body doesn't itch it's just his face?? strange xxx

My lo is like this - he has eczema all over his body but the only place he 'itches' is his face. I think he started by rubbing his eyes and accidentally rubbed his forehead and that has now started an itch scratch itch cycle. He hasn't even got eczema on his forehead at the moment but he still does it, it's an automatic reaction to rub his head when he wakes or is tired and I think that then makes it itchy! We've tried gloves at night because he scratches his face by accident but with gloves you get a kind of carpet burn effect so not sure that's better. I try to keep his nails really short but it's hard to cut them as I can't do it when he's awake. Hope he realises there's no eczema there soon and stops rubbing! It will be good to see if Piriton helps as we might have to try this xx
I'll let you know hun... Im going to get an emergency appt on Monday. Isaac does the same, he rubs his head on anything, if you pick him up he rubs his head on you, if he's in his car seat he rubs the sides of his head with the sides of the seat, if he's doing tummy time he ive his head on the mat... It's just constant xxx
Yes she's a dainty little thing but was only 3lb 10oz born. Lily also rubs her head on everything it gets worse when she's tired. If I don't put socks on her hands at night she makes her face bleed with scratching at it. Were just getting over a flare-up it just starting to look a bit calmer after 3 days of piriton and constant greasing up. It does become manageable once the right creams are in place it's just hard work getting there xxx
Hey, how is your lo doing now? Have you had any success with the Epaderm? Have you had your appointment through for the specialist? My lo is still suffering and we're currently on a break from the hydrocortisone because he's been on it continuously for 2 weeks - it's only been 2 days and it's scary how much his eczema has flared up already. I'm using Epaderm ointment on his body now and we've been referred to an eczema specialist but the appointment isn't until March :( xx
Hiya hun, I had a text off nhs saying that his referral has been made and I need to call them to discuss options, ive not done this yet as im back at work and it's been manic, im going to get my oh to call on Friday when he has the day off with him.
The epaderm is really good but he still has patches of exzema all over his body. His face is sometimes really bad and wakes him in the night, ive found keeping his room cool helps with the itching, I noticed when his room was quite warm his face would really flare up. I'll let you know what they say on Friday! Do u use the hydrocortisone on your LO's face? xxx
We've been using epaderm and I've found it fab. We use it in the bath and as a moisturiser too. We've not been referred for lily's eczema. The gp never even suggested it. Her eczema is still quite bad I'm wondering if I should ask to be referred xxx
Hiya hun, I had a text off nhs saying that his referral has been made and I need to call them to discuss options, ive not done this yet as im back at work and it's been manic, im going to get my oh to call on Friday when he has the day off with him.
The epaderm is really good but he still has patches of exzema all over his body. His face is sometimes really bad and wakes him in the night, ive found keeping his room cool helps with the itching, I noticed when his room was quite warm his face would really flare up. I'll let you know what they say on Friday! Do u use the hydrocortisone on your LO's face? xxx

I don't think Epaderm will get rid of the eczema but I'm hoping it will stop it getting worse. I'm taking 4 days off the hydrocortisone and then will be using it again on his body. He's having a big flare up at the moment as he's got a cold. I have used 0.5% on his face but for as short a period as possible, this is what it was originally prescribed for as it started on his face - it usually clears up after a couple of days and I use it very sparingly. If the eczema gets bad there's a possibility that will damage the skin as well. We've started using a humidifier as well as I'm sure heating doesn't help! It was so bad last night I could have cried but today I've made an appointment to see a private dermatologist next week so I'm pinning my hopes on that. You don't realise how bad eczema is until you're dealing with it! Hope things are going well being back at work xx
We've been using epaderm and I've found it fab. We use it in the bath and as a moisturiser too. We've not been referred for lily's eczema. The gp never even suggested it. Her eczema is still quite bad I'm wondering if I should ask to be referred xxx

I have found the GPs at my surgery to be pretty useless on this to be honest. I finally saw a decent one this week who said its gone beyond primary care and my lo should be referred to a specialist. He advised me to go through my health visitor as he felt she would have the contacts to do this quicker than him and he was right - the health visitor called me back with an appointment that day and also referred us to the dietician. My advice would be to contact your health visitor and get her to refer you. At the very least your health visitor can contact your GP about the issue. The health visitor can also prescribe emollients/bath products for you, it might be worth trying something else if your lo's eczema is still bad xx
Try porridge oats in a muslin tied up in the bath, keep squeezing it till the bath goes milky, its a god send xx
Yeah I would keep pushing for a referral hun if your LO's skin is bad and nothing else is helping. My GP was really good and did it herself but her baby had exzema really bad and I think she felt bad for my Lo and myself.
I'll try the porridge oats, im using aveeno oil in his bath at the moment which helps. xxx
Stop the oil and just try oats, the oats in the muslin go like a silk paste, goigle it chick, my lo had it and i didnt want to use the steriod cream, was advised about the oats to which i used a few times and it cleared up. Xx
Will try the oats next bath time see how it helps my lo I think. Her eczema has been quite bad since she was around 4 months now. I suffered myself so really feel for her when she's scratching. Will book her in with gp as my hv always tells me to see the gp for it. We've got a really good locum one atm and when we suspected an allergy he got her an appointment within 2 days so if he's still there I'll see him I think. One gp I saw told me to use hydrocortisone regularly as there's no research to suggest it damages the skin like other steriod creams as it's very mild but I've had conflicting advice from and a n e Dr we saw so I don't like to use it too often xxx
Any steriod cream thins the skin, its defo worth joining an earthy mums group on fb they tell you all great stuff to use instead of medication x
Thinning the skin is mentioned a lot but studies show that is a bit of an outdated concern. In extreme cases of strong topical steroids being used for long periods without a break it can happen. Hydrocortisone is a mild steroid and doesn't really carry this risk which is why it's said to be safe when used correctly. It's worth remembering that eczema can cause the opposite, thickening of the skin. Having said that I'd much rather not use it at all. I do give my lo oat baths but his eczema is becoming more severe and although it might help it can't control it. Anything natural that works for your lo is massively preferable to any medication but sometimes medication is needed. My lo has been off hydrocortisone for 4 days and has been prescribed antibiotics today for infected eczema. I don't think antibiotics are better than hydrocortisone in fact I'd say they're a lot worse xx
Browneyed girl does anyone else have it in your family? Also with the radiators on in winter it gives out dry air which isnt good for skin, but also we bought a dehumidifier and thats also helped. My lo only has a little patch now x

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