Whoa finally got home... such a long story here goes:
Went in at 10am to get induced, they broke my waters and we waited a while, had a few contractions but nothing realy happened so at about 5 pm they gave me the drip.
Started contracting nicely and relaxed for a bit in a rocking chair. Got up to use the loo at about 7, and as soon as I'd done the the contractions just kept coming thick and fast. I was examined and was told I was 5 cms. The midwife seemed really surprised how quick and strong the contractions were coming and I asked for an epidural at about 8.15
I was told the epidural would be 15 minutes so we waited and waited and then found out the woman was delayed so wouldn't be down yet to do it. I asked for the meptid, which I got at about 8.30.
I kept saying I wanted to push, but the midwife kept telling me the I wasn't far enough along, but I could try it if I wanted to.
A couple of contractions later and the baby's head began to crown!! I'd gone from 5 cms to 10 in about 40 minutes! The midwife was amazed!!
He was out in 2 pushes, at 8.54pm.... I couldn't believe it!
He was 8lb 2oz (we did know it was a boy hubby presumed you all knew, I think some of you did and some of you didn't!)
We settled down a bit and I was just looking forward to having a bath and going up to the ward when they examined me and said I'd got a third degree tear and would have to go into theatre (ouch!)
I needed a spinal, and was in theatre for about an hour, which was not painful, but not an experience I'd like to go through again.
Then, at 2am I was finally taken up to the ward.
I had to stay in for 2 nights, which I was really gutted about, they wanted me to stay in tonight aswell, but I really begged them to let me go, so they did in the end. Got home at about 7.30pm
Here's some pics!
Went in at 10am to get induced, they broke my waters and we waited a while, had a few contractions but nothing realy happened so at about 5 pm they gave me the drip.
Started contracting nicely and relaxed for a bit in a rocking chair. Got up to use the loo at about 7, and as soon as I'd done the the contractions just kept coming thick and fast. I was examined and was told I was 5 cms. The midwife seemed really surprised how quick and strong the contractions were coming and I asked for an epidural at about 8.15
I was told the epidural would be 15 minutes so we waited and waited and then found out the woman was delayed so wouldn't be down yet to do it. I asked for the meptid, which I got at about 8.30.
I kept saying I wanted to push, but the midwife kept telling me the I wasn't far enough along, but I could try it if I wanted to.
A couple of contractions later and the baby's head began to crown!! I'd gone from 5 cms to 10 in about 40 minutes! The midwife was amazed!!
He was out in 2 pushes, at 8.54pm.... I couldn't believe it!
He was 8lb 2oz (we did know it was a boy hubby presumed you all knew, I think some of you did and some of you didn't!)
We settled down a bit and I was just looking forward to having a bath and going up to the ward when they examined me and said I'd got a third degree tear and would have to go into theatre (ouch!)
I needed a spinal, and was in theatre for about an hour, which was not painful, but not an experience I'd like to go through again.
Then, at 2am I was finally taken up to the ward.
I had to stay in for 2 nights, which I was really gutted about, they wanted me to stay in tonight aswell, but I really begged them to let me go, so they did in the end. Got home at about 7.30pm
Here's some pics!