Kate arrived on 27th July 2008 at 09.41 weighing 9 pounds 5 ounces.
Me and bump were admitted at 11 days overdue on the 26th of July at 5pm to be induced. The first prostaglandin gel was inserted at about 7pm. It was a very hot and sticky night on the ward and I didn't get any sleep. At around 4am I started with contractions which came on very quickly and were two minutes apart lasting around 20 - 30 seconds, I wandered down to the kitchen area and had some toast and a cup of tea. I then was given a dose of paracetamol and codeine after trying to explain to the midwives that i really thought baby was coming I was told to try a warm bath, due to the heat I had a coolish bath which was refreshing but at this point I lost some of my waters in the bath and upon getting out of the bath the contractions became much stronger and more intense. By 5am I was in agony with the contractions coming every minute and lasting around 30 - 40 seconds, I was examined and was 4cm dilated. I had a shot of pethadine (didn't work for me really just made me want to sleep during the very very short break between contractions I then rang my hubby and birth partners and was taken to the labour ward in a wheelchair although I had to get out of it as I couldn't bear to sit down when the contractions came. The midwife examined me on the labour ward after I asked hubby to go get me an epidural and I was 8cm dilated and desperate to push (you really can't stop yourself). So alas no epidural but the pushing began, Kate arrived at 09.41 after an active labour totalling 1hour 41 minutes and total labour time of 4 hours 41 minutes. Baby weighed 9 pounds 5 ounces and I did have a third degree tear which was repaired in theatre under a spinal. The whole birth was an amazing experience that I'd have no hesitation in doing again and meeting my baby girl for the first time was magic. I had the same midwives throughout delivery and they were excellent.
Me and bump were admitted at 11 days overdue on the 26th of July at 5pm to be induced. The first prostaglandin gel was inserted at about 7pm. It was a very hot and sticky night on the ward and I didn't get any sleep. At around 4am I started with contractions which came on very quickly and were two minutes apart lasting around 20 - 30 seconds, I wandered down to the kitchen area and had some toast and a cup of tea. I then was given a dose of paracetamol and codeine after trying to explain to the midwives that i really thought baby was coming I was told to try a warm bath, due to the heat I had a coolish bath which was refreshing but at this point I lost some of my waters in the bath and upon getting out of the bath the contractions became much stronger and more intense. By 5am I was in agony with the contractions coming every minute and lasting around 30 - 40 seconds, I was examined and was 4cm dilated. I had a shot of pethadine (didn't work for me really just made me want to sleep during the very very short break between contractions I then rang my hubby and birth partners and was taken to the labour ward in a wheelchair although I had to get out of it as I couldn't bear to sit down when the contractions came. The midwife examined me on the labour ward after I asked hubby to go get me an epidural and I was 8cm dilated and desperate to push (you really can't stop yourself). So alas no epidural but the pushing began, Kate arrived at 09.41 after an active labour totalling 1hour 41 minutes and total labour time of 4 hours 41 minutes. Baby weighed 9 pounds 5 ounces and I did have a third degree tear which was repaired in theatre under a spinal. The whole birth was an amazing experience that I'd have no hesitation in doing again and meeting my baby girl for the first time was magic. I had the same midwives throughout delivery and they were excellent.