***August Testing Thread - 8 BFPs!!***

Congratulations muffinski! Yes if you click on the paperclip icon in the top of the advanced message box, it will give you options to add a photo from your gallery?. Make sure you have cropped your photo down though or it will be too big to upload cxx
Congrats to Meg86 and Muffinski!!

I'm still holding off on testing.

I've updated the first post but can't seem to update the thread title?

It's looking good for August. Fingers crossed for everyone else still to test.
I feel crazy!
Soooo Superdrug had buy one get one half price on frers sooooo I got some more
I think I'm 5dpo now... am I right in thinking I could test as early as 8dpo? So in 3 days time?
Or should I just wait til when I said I would test? At 16dpo? xx
Personally I wouldn't test early. But that's just me. Plenty of others will come along feeling very differently. Also, I know my cycles really well and I feel most comfortable doing it this way. Though I think in your circumstances you could be forgiven for wanting to test earlier. Just do what feels right :)
Yeah I wouldn't normally bother testing early but the only reason I'm wanting to test early this time is all the crazy symptoms and i just feel so impatient.. I might try it at 8 or 9 dpo but maybe I'll try leave it a little later, I don't know!! :(
It's so hard not to read into symptoms. Why are our bodies so cruel? There was one time I was completely convinced I was pregnant. It was in the days before I was doing OPKs and I just had a random 32 day cycle. I never have a 32 day cycle. I guess I just ovulated late and happened to have a bug or something.

I'm trying to keep my spirits up but I think af will hit me hard tomorrow. I'm trying to focus on some of the bits coming up, kinda like ticking more boxes. Have endocrine follow up this week so plan to have a blunt conversation about what my hormones are up to. I don't think they'll have any concerns but I just need to hear that. At least the consultant I usually see gets to the point which suits me fine.

Good luck if you do decide to test.
Hopefully it doesn't!

Symptoms never normally bothered me until this cycle, I used to always ignore anything as I figured I'd never get pregnant ever. Over 4 years ttc with hubby + 3 years ttc with an ex partner (I have no idea if it was my ex that had problems and not me as we never went to docs). Everything on paper with me and hubby is fine. The only thing that worries me is I do have a tilted uterus but it shouldn't cause problems so doctors say..

I just wish that if I wasn't pregnant the symptoms would just go away because It's not fair!
I'm feeling really sick this afternoon just tried to eat BBQ but couldn't manage hardly anything :(
And also REALLY tired, doesn't help that I was woke up after a really vivid dream at 4am then could only manage an extra hour sleep after that :(

I'm gonna try really hard to leave it as late as possible or maybe try 1 test at 8dpo then leave it a couple of days if bfn. I guess nothing is really accurate until a period/missed period but I don't really know when I'll get one after mc. I'm cd20 now but if I'm only 5dpo I imagine I'll get a 29 day cycle or longer. Hmmm. :/
I'm trying to hold onto hope but not counting on it. I don't tend to symptom spot either as it always ends in tears. I think having the HSG this cycle is messing with my head a bit.
I was a bit like that after my hsg, thought by some miracle it would have cleared something (even though they said my tubes were fine) and we'd conceive that month. Of course it didn't happen for us then but I've read it can and does happen for lots of ladies so you really never know it just might!

Do you normally get any pre-af symptoms likes cramps or anything the day before?
Congratulations muffinski! Yes if you click on the paperclip icon in the top of the advanced message box, it will give you options to add a photo from your gallery?. Make sure you have cropped your photo down though or it will be too big to upload cxx

Thanks TT 😃

I think that's the problem. I've read that it can and does happen. Even my gynaecologist has said she's seen it happen. I actually know someone who conceived shortly after having one. But I also know that plenty of couples don't and I know which group we will probably end up in :( Though I'm still holding onto that hope. I'm not out til I'm out!!

I don't normally get any pre af symptoms. Before I was tracking cycles it always tended to just appear. If I get bad cramps it's always after af has shown her face. So the fact I don't feel any different right now doesn't help me at all. The only thing I've now noticed is that my skin tends to flare up around this time and this month it's looked especially crappy. It's starting to look a bit better today.
Thanks for the congrats! Still feeling a little dazed! Congatulations muffinski as well :) brilliant news!! Good luck to those of you still waiting to test this month xxx
Wow just caught up on this thread! 4 bfps this month - fab congrats to those who got their positive! Let's see some more positives to come..I'm just starting my tww
Can I have the 28th please? I've had my solid smiley on my clearblue today and it's my wedding anniversary tomorrow so we've been pretty 'loved up' lately! Fingers crossed!

Good luck to everyone else testing and massive congrats on the BFP's so far! xxx
I just tested and I got my BFP! I'm actually shaking I'm so in shock!


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