***August Testing Thread - 8 BFPs!!***

Moomingirl, you never know though! Are you only testing if you're late?

I think if I don't get af.. I'm gonna do a first response the day before we go away for my birthday and if that's negative I'll probably assume I'm out, as I'll be 15dpo by then! So only 2 weeks to go till I test. Today's "checking for leftover hcg" tests were pretty much blank just some real real squinters so if I get a line that's not a squinter after now then I'll take it as a positive but I'm gonna try not to test anymore til the 24th because it's just silly and I should give it a break lol xx
Yeah I will only test if I'm late. I'm too predictable especially with OPKs that I'm just throwing money away on BFNs. Think I should be 10dpo today. Also due to the job I do, I'd have to disclose early so I want to be absolutely sure if and when it happens for us.

I'm trying not to read too much into it. My skin tends to suffer a bit before af but not usually this bad. Though I probably say that every month haha. Also it tends to be jawline only but today its nose, forehead and behind my ears as well. Trying to avoid the mirror right now.

I think that sounds like a plan Millie. I think in your case it must be tough not to keep testing after all you've been through.
I'm due this time next week. I've only been late once ever and that was when I was pregnant... I know that is a very lucky position to be in! So I'll be testing next Friday if ad doesn't come... been feeling poorly today, but to be honest I think I'm just actually coming down with something!
Symptom spotting is so annoying! I usually try to avoid doing it as well!

I'm 3dpo (if I ov when I think I did) but already have symptoms that I had after I found out I was preg last month! I'm trying to put it down to left over hormones (but all my symptoms left just before mc) or post-ovulation symptoms lol. But of course there's a tiny flicker of hope just because I experienced the same before.. so ugh!

Fela, Feeling poorly could be a good sign though!

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Millie I have 1000%had symptoms that early before xxxx

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I just feel like my body is teasing me tbh xD
hubby keeps commenting on my boobs
like I have no control over what they're doing haha
I hope it's a good sign? but really who knows!!
it's sending me a little crazy xx
Symptom spotting is so annoying! I usually try to avoid doing it as well!

I'm 3dpo (if I ov when I think I did) but already have symptoms that I had after I found out I was preg last month! I'm trying to put it down to left over hormones (but all my symptoms left just before mc) or post-ovulation symptoms lol. But of course there's a tiny flicker of hope just because I experienced the same before.. so ugh!

Fela, Feeling poorly could be a good sign though!


Ah bless you. I'm in the same boat, but I'm managing it far better this month. I'm now 4dpo now and have been having the same belching and heartburn as the last two, but as the both ended in losses, I'm just not getting excited. If it carries on, I have no idea what I'll do with testing. Part of me will no doubt want to test early, the other part thinks it would be better to just wait til I miss af.

Either way, I am feeling very relaxed about it all so that's a good thing.

Fx you get a sticky xx
I'm cd7 atm the wait to ovulate is so boring haha xx

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I'm cd7 atm the wait to ovulate is so boring haha xx

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It really is isn't it. I had more stress waiting to ovulate this month than I am now!
GG, Yeah it's so difficult.. the same signs is a real tease!
Hopefully we'll both get a sticky this month!

Millie, it really is hope this cycle speeds up a bit for you!

Started bleeding this morning, I thought at first it may be implantation bleeding, but I feel like there is too much and it's too red. I think I'm probably out.

AF not due for 6 days... very odd for me as I've always been very regular. I know there *are* stories online of people bleeding quite heavily for a couple of days mid TWW and then stopping and a week later getting a BFP, but I'm not going to get my hopes up for that..... :)

Only time will tell!
Im still not sure where I am in my cycle, as I started bleeding 21 days ago im possibly 7dpo but could be more or less.
I haven't tested at all since Wednesday so am off out to get a test when I go shopping soon.
Have felt so tired its absolutely unreal, falling asleep when I sit down virtually. Not sure which tests to get xxx
Fela, that's so confusing. Hopefully it stops?

Treetrunks, good luck for later if you're testing!

So sorry fela, still keeping my fingers crossed for you it stops.

Good luck tree trunks,I always think frer are good for early testing but know theyre pricey xx
Fingers crossed for everyone. We 're jumping back on the horse so to speak over the weekend now that AF finally done with. So I'll be joining back in properly for Sept thread as I won't be testing now until early Sept.

Wishing you all lots of baby dust x
Well I did both Sainsbury's tests again and totally BFN, so have to wait and see what's going on. Maybe I might just have a normal period this month which is a good thing so I can get a better idea of where I am in my cycle. I dont have any AF symptoms yet but did have ewcm today.
Hope everyone is having a chilled evening xxx
Good luck for sept, Nikki

Treetrunks, it could be too early to test?

Just about caught up as not been on for a few days.

Sorry first time mum that the witch caught you. Sure it will be time for number 2 soon.

Tree trunks and Millie fingers crossed for that extra fertile month after a MC.

Congrats to Lander and Mrs Cookie. 2 bfp and it is only the 12th.

Fingers crossed for the rest of us waiting. Think I love on day 13 so would be 3 or 4 dpi at the minute. Hate the 2ww. Goes so slowly.
Ah, good luck babyscotcher.

TT, how are you feeling about it? I've felt so much better having a cycle that's been normal this month.

So last two days, three for heartburn, I've had heartburn, belching again, irritability and last night, the boobs started feeling sore again. Also loads of white creamy (not as thick as the lotion type) cm.

Still very relaxed about it all.

Hope everyone is coping okay with the waiting xx
Started bleeding this morning, I thought at first it may be implantation bleeding, but I feel like there is too much and it's too red. I think I'm probably out.

AF not due for 6 days... very odd for me as I've always been very regular. I know there *are* stories online of people bleeding quite heavily for a couple of days mid TWW and then stopping and a week later getting a BFP, but I'm not going to get my hopes up for that..... :)

Only time will tell!

Hi fela,

This happened to me with my son. Got my 'period' a week early. I thought it was too heavy and long to be implantation but when I bled again about 10 days after I realised something was going on and doc told me to test. It can happen!

Hope everyone is doing ok, I'm still keeping tabs on you all even though I'm holding off ttc at the mo. Will be back towards end of the year and hopefully you'll all be off in tri 1/2.

Congrats on bfps so far. X


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