***August Testing Thread - 8 BFPs!!***

Congrats mrs_cookie

Treetrunks - I could see those very faint lines.... fx for you!

I'm trying to hold out until AF (or rather, hopefully for when AF doesn't come), I've got a busy week or so so I'm hoping it'll be easy to just not think of it too much (ha not likely) :)

I've started to post onto my ttc journal everyday, I've found it quite therapeutic.

I use my ttc Journals to rant and complain don't care if no one reads it, it's also good to look back on for symptoms or whatever xx
Congratulations misscookie. See you over on april mummies thread x
I just used one that I got off eBay, had a shadow on one yesterday and then was easier to see in real life today but now spotting. Just went to the toilet and it's a punky colour now xx

Can see it better in person xx


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I just used one that I got off eBay, had a shadow on one yesterday and then was easier to see in real life today but now spotting. Just went to the toilet and it's a punky colour now xx

Can see it better in person xx

I can see that without zooming in
You sure it's af? xx
I don't know, it's now a pinky colour so I'm guessing so. I tried a frer this afternoon and nothing on there, was guna try one in the morning but don't think I will bither now xx
Thank you everyone! Hope those still waiting get their bfps and join me in tri 1 soon! xx
first_time_mum - I had pink spotting in May the day AF was due and then it stopped, when I tested a couple of days later it was a BFP.
I will see what it's like in the morning and may do another one just to see, thank you xx
Hopefully it's not af.. I guess wait and see til the morning xx
I think I've caught up and everything is up to date!!

Congrats to Lander and mrs_cookie on their BFPs!!

Good luck to everyone else waiting to test.

AF is due Monday for me. I have no symptoms whatsoever other than skin that is looking a bit crappy. I'm trying to be positive as this is our first month after HSG but I'm not holding my breath. Skin usually gets bad before AF. Though I do think I'll be one of those who gets nothing other than a missed period if and when it happens for me. We'll see. Trying to keep my chin up.
That's ok I wasn't expecting it to happen first month, just a bit gutted after that line yesterday xz
That's ok I wasn't expecting it to happen first month, just a bit gutted after that line yesterday xz

So sorry. That line yesterday could easily have just been a little hcg in your system due to an implantation that started but failed. It's known that 50% of fertilised eggs fail, it is believed widely in the medical community that it's actually 70% that fail so, a real line in a failed implantation is far more likely than a false positive.

Take it as a positive...you know that you can conceive, so it should just be a matter of waiting for one to stick now xxx
I've had a horrible week. I'm 7 days late, this will be my first natural af since coming off the pill so I could be in for a wait. I didn't have this problem ttc my daughter.
I was checking my cervix and found a lump , I rang the doctors and they told me to come down straight away. Thankfully the lump was just a cyst but I have to go back in 4 weeks time for another checkup. The doctor said she would expect me to come on my af in a week or 2 if I'm not pregnant already which I'm not as I tested the day before .
So I stressed myself out and now I've been rewarded delightful looking coldsore on my lip.
Sorry first_time_mum.

Claire_louise9 - glad the lump wasn't anything too serious but still very stressful all the same.

Not much to report here - skin looks especially shocking today. I'm preparing myself for disappointment on Monday.

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