***August and September 2023 due dates***

Oh wow a beautiful scan! I bet it was lovely seeing your babies so active!! I can’t wait for my scan on Monday. Did you see the midwife after your 20 week scan? I can’t remember what happens haha. My daughter Isabella will be at my mums so I’ve told her we could be quite late as my scan is only at 5pm and then if there’s delays etc. I know when I had my 20 week scan with her they had to arrange another appointment to check her heart as they couldn’t get it because she wasn’t in the right position and was moving too much haha.
Oh yes the absolute exhibition but I think mines because I'm having alot of broken sleep with my spd and Danny's on call this week and been getting called out in middle of night alot. I didn't go to midwife after my 20 week scan they sent me home after she finished with paper work . Can't wait to see if your pink or blue tomorrow Sarah xx
It’s a….


I can’t believe we are all team blue! Haha
Oh wow congratulations... pretty mad that all 3 of us are blues xx
Ah, wow, congratulations, how lovely that we're all having boys :) I'm assuming your scan was all positive? :dance:
How are you both doing?
I think I must have massively overdone it shopping on Sunday because I was having Braxton Hicks all day and into the night and then the following day I had period type cramps so bad that I nearly went into hospital to get checked out! But I could feel the baby moving so knew he was fine so just rested and felt loads better the following morning :) So I've just got to try and take take it easy now, but it's a lot easier said than done isn't it! Xx
I'm OK. Fell today on stairs on my belly was sore and crampy but he's moving about. Its Danny's birthday today and willows is on Saturday I'd finished wrapping her presents up and was taking them upstairs and my legs just gave way stupid spd. Do your boys feel low? Like really low? Mine feels like he's guna fall out and the pressure when jm walking jeeze think I'm guna pee myself all time. On a happier note tho willows arse of a father was re arrested this week woop woop. Xx
How are you both? Danny can finally see and feel lil man kicking now. Could see and feel it weeks ago when I was pregnant with the girls. Keep trying to get videos of him but I swear he knows cos he stops as soon as my camera is out and as soon as I put it away he starts again lol. Good job I'm not going any where today cos I'm rocking the homer look xx

Hi ladies, sorry for going missing! Life just seems to busy at the moment and the weeks are flying by. I’m now 25 weeks pregnant. Where are you two up to? How are you both doing? I’m doing well. Feels great to feel our boy moving around so much. No one else has managed to feel him yet but my daughter keeps trying bless her haha
Hi ladies, I hope you're both well?
Just a little update, I went into labour at 35 weeks with the stitch still in and little man still breech so had a section! So Rocco was born nearly 4 weeks ago at all amazing 6lb 14oz!
It's been a difficult month in NICU and he was then re-admitted to the children's unit following his weight dropping to 5lb 8oz!
But we're home and seem to be on track now xx
Hi ladies, I hope you're both well?
Just a little update, I went into labour at 35 weeks with the stitch still in and little man still breech so had a section! So Rocco was born nearly 4 weeks ago at all amazing 6lb 14oz!
It's been a difficult month in NICU and he was then re-admitted to the children's unit following his weight dropping to 5lb 8oz!
But we're home and seem to be on track now xx

Congratulations mamma, I'm going to be set off tomorrow (38+1) currently been admitted at hospital and got to stay in night my blood pressure was 150 and my heart rate 99 so my midwife rang hospital the monitor is picking up contractions but I told them I've had them the last 2 weeks. They said it shouldn't take long I'm crapping myself now cos I know whats coming tomorrow and I can't sleep its 220am now and they just been and done my obs again and keep putting me on monitor got to have a scan in morning to see what he weighs but I don't take owt from that as they got it completely wrong with both the girls. How are you feeling after your section? I'm glad little man is doing well and your back home and your settling into new family life xx
How are you doing Sarah? I hope little man is here safe and sound and that it all went well for you both?
The section was horrible and then having to stay in hospital and spend time in NICU caring for him did not help with the healing process but I feel like I'm recovering a bit better now, although still pretty uncomfortable!
Rocco is doing great though, really thriving, although has horrendous wind at night so we're not getting much sleep xx
Not had him yet stayed the night and they sent me home said they had too many emergencies. So I'm booked in this Thursday (24th) for it now. Ahh poor lil man have you tried infacol or anything? Xx
Oh no! Well good luck for Thursday, I hope it all goes smoothly and you have your little man safely in your arms soon.
Yeah, we're using infacol and I'm doing loads of exercises with him, I think his digestive system is still just really underdeveloped but hopefully it'll mature soon xx
Didn't need inducing he decided to come on his own Wednesday 23rd. Very quick labour. I had cramps all night and I rang hospital at 530 to say they hurt they told me to come in by time I had a quick shower and we sorted girls out we didn't get there till 8, they sent Danny and girls home put me on monitor to check him they could see I was contracting. She checked me and said I was 4cm she could see contractions was coming every 2 mins put me straight on labour ward I rang Danny to come back and to take girls to my mums (my hospital is 35 min drive from mine) he got to me as they gave me gas and air as contractions started coming every 30 seconds they was back to back they checked me again said I was 6cm I said I don't care I need to push they said are you sure? I said I either need a good poo or I need to push so they said right go with your body I pushed and his head came out 2 more pushes and he was out no cuts or stitches needed too and all on gas and air. He weighed 8lb 7oz although he doesn't look it he looks right tiny. Can't believe he's over a week old already we called him Leif (it's a viking name and daddy is massively into that) xx

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