***August and September 2023 due dates***

I’ve always liked the name Peyton but spelt this way from One Tree Hill haha :-)

I went into the office today and saw more people than normal as it was a colleague’s leaving do. Some people have already started to comment on my bump. I feel huge already haha like maybe the size I was 5 months pregnant last time but I’m only 14 weeks!
Commented on your bump? Honestly, I've got people asking me when I'm due as if I'm going to say next week, I'm HUGE! :rotfl: I'll have to try and get a picture tomorrow (when I've got some clothes on) to show you xx
Commented on your bump? Honestly, I've got people asking me when I'm due as if I'm going to say next week, I'm HUGE! :rotfl: I'll have to try and get a picture tomorrow (when I've got some clothes on) to show you xx
Haha I’ll look forward to the bump pic! That reminds me actually I am overdue taking my monthly bump update pic (I did this last time and loved seeing how my body changed shape) x
Wow, there's no mistaking that's a boy! How nice to be having your first boy, are you thrilled? Xx
Oh yes certainly not a shy lil man lol. I saw it as soon as she went to potty shot and burst out laughing and looked at Danny and he was grinning he's been buzzing all night he's soooo happy he's got a son I'm excited as it will all be new I'm used to girls got to buy everything new so will sort out the girls clothes going to keep some to have blankets made out of them. I'm still in shock I was Adament it was a girl xx
Oh wow!! Congratulations! No denying that little boy haha. X
I know right lol... Danny was like takes after his daddy ...moron lol. Not allowed my whopping cought till I'm over 20 weeks now cos I've just had covid. Start my injections on 1st June too xx
How’s everyone doing?

I woke up in the night with a sharp pain in my stomach and vagina… I’m hoping it was just trapped wind and nothing serious. I’ve not had it since lol.

how many weeks are you both now?
I'm 17 weeks today. Been feeling him move more this week. I get that Sarah if I cough sneeze or pull my stomach man does it hurt I can't move for what seems like ages.
Had some good news yesterday police came to see me to give me an update he's deffo going to get charged just waiting for the dates now.
I've had a little more energy than I have since falling pregnant already today I've prepped tea, bathed and sorted girls took willow to school done food shopping done all laundry cleaned up (although you wouldn't know with river following me and getting everything back out ) made Danny's lunch for work tomorrow and now I'm sat watching cartoons while river causes havoc lol. Sickness has eased off massively but the midwife told me last week to stop drinking milk as that makes it worse. I was drinking loads of milk and milkshakes ans since I've stopped my sickness has pretty much gone. Had some frosties yesterday and threw up wounded love me milk but ill wait till lil man's here and make up for it xx
How’s everyone doing?

I woke up in the night with a sharp pain in my stomach and vagina… I’m hoping it was just trapped wind and nothing serious. I’ve not had it since lol.

how many weeks are you both now?
Oh love you, that must have been really scary, especially be woken by that! Has everything been fine since? I'm ok thank you, although I've got a trapped nerve in my leg which feels like someone is pouring boiling water down it, so that's no fun! I'll be 19 weeks on Sunday and we've got our anomaly scan on Monday! And look at the size of me already! I thought I'd stopped growing and was just going to plateau for a bit but I feel like I've suddenly ballooned even more xx

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I'm 17 weeks today. Been feeling him move more this week. I get that Sarah if I cough sneeze or pull my stomach man does it hurt I can't move for what seems like ages.
Had some good news yesterday police came to see me to give me an update he's deffo going to get charged just waiting for the dates now.
I've had a little more energy than I have since falling pregnant already today I've prepped tea, bathed and sorted girls took willow to school done food shopping done all laundry cleaned up (although you wouldn't know with river following me and getting everything back out ) made Danny's lunch for work tomorrow and now I'm sat watching cartoons while river causes havoc lol. Sickness has eased off massively but the midwife told me last week to stop drinking milk as that makes it worse. I was drinking loads of milk and milkshakes ans since I've stopped my sickness has pretty much gone. Had some frosties yesterday and threw up wounded love me milk but ill wait till lil man's here and make up for it xx
That's good news about the police, do you know when it'll go to court? Will River have to give evidence?
I feel like a kind of pressure movement but I've only just started to feel kicks in the past few days, so that's been nice :)
It sounds like you've had an incredibly productive day! My day has been really busy as well, I have my friend's little boy on Thursday afternoons and then have my cousin and his 2 little girls and my brother and his daughter for dinner on Thursday evenings, so it's carnage! But I think I'm going to have to start slowing down soon as I am definitely not feeling like I have more energy, the exact opposite in fact :nap: xx
Oh wow look at you beautiful bump I feel quite small this time round but I didn't wear my coat on school run this morning and a few mums said where did that come from? I feel I've grown more over night but when I look at photos of me pregnant with willow and river I'm so much smaller this time round in my opinion any way. Police have already got video evidence from willow but I guess if they need more she will have to do via video link but police haven't said that's likely so I'm not sure xx

Oh no, that's good, you've got a beautiful big bump too, I was worrying that I was ridiculously big for being this far along!
I'm hope they don't need anything else from Willow and that he gets what he deserves! Xx
I’m 16 weeks now so stopped taking progesterone. Thankfully I’ve not had anymore in the middle of the night pains. Baby must have gone on a nerve or something. It did freak me out and then I had horrible dreams about miscarrying and the pain continued in my dream but not sure if I was in pain or just dreaming it.

Your bumps are so beautiful! Good luck for your scan tomorrow!!

aw that’s fantastic news Sarah! I hope they’ve got everything they need from willow so she doesn’t have to give anymore evidence x
Urghh so wish this sickness would bugger off . It just comes from.no where can literally be just sat talking to someone and sick will just fly out of me. Its annoying ! I've just took another cyczlazine. TMI but Danny just went to loo and I followed as was guna pee my pants threw up in sink at the smell of him called him a dirty so an so lol. They told me to stop drinking milk which I have and it did seem to ease off but I'm back to vomming all time again when I'm not having any milk. Don't see midwife now till 19th April when I have my anatomy scan. How are you all feeling? Xx
Oh no, I'm sorry you're still feeling and being sick Sarah, it's horrible isn't it :sick: I've been really lucky this pregnancy and I'm only really sick once at night when I clean my teeth but I was sick all the way through with our first and it's grim! I really hope it eases for you soon.
Scan went well and baby is fine but he's so active that they really struggled to get the images they needed. So we were in there for ages with them pretty much trying to pin him down inside me, which has left me sore and him really quiet this evening so I don't think he was impressed either :shakehead: xx
Aw I’ve got a really bad heightened sense of smell which makes me feel sick with things too. We have house cats and if they poo in their litter it’s like the end of the world lol. I’ve got a cold at the moment and I’m enjoying not being able to smell as much haha. Hope you’re ok Sarah!

fab news that the scan went well today! We had a 30m scan at our 12 week one because baby wasn’t playing ball. They had to push really hard into my stomach and I felt bruised after (didn’t actually show any bruises though) - I hope you’re ok!

I’ve got my 16 week midwife check on Thursday. What do they do at this one? I’ve completely forgotten from the last time I was pregnant haha
Oh they hurt don't they when they push on your belly and abdomen to get the images they made me do star jumps and got Danny to wiggle my hips at my 12 week scan as he was fast asleep lol. Mine was just a telephone appointment for my 16 week appointment. They usually test your pee and blood pressure but wirh me been at hospital week before they didn't need to so did it on phone. They used to get dopler out and try find heart beat but they stopped till 25 week appointment as they sometimes struggle to find it so the expectant mum panics and goes for scan. They managed to find mine at my 16 week tho she asked if I wanted to try and i said I wouldn't be worried if they couldn't as I had gender scan the night before but she found him as soon as she put it on my tummy. I'm really bad wirh smells too my dog seems to smell to me lol and I can't stand Danny's Aftershave any more makes me gag I have to open windows when he's put it on he gets quite offended. Xx
Yeah, 16 week appointment was a complete waste of time :doh::rotfl: xx

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