***August and September 2023 due dates***

Hey, how are you both doing? We've come away for the week and honestly I'm struggling! I'm still just absolutely exhausted and can't manage long on my feet until my trapped nerve makes my leg burn!
I can't believe I'm only half way through and in what should be the easiest bit so I'm dreading what the end is going to be like when I'm even bigger and the weather is warmer! Xx
Oh I feel you, I thought we was meant to feel better in 2nd tri I'm constantly sick and my back is in bits. You gone any where nice ? Xx
Oh I feel you, I thought we was meant to feel better in 2nd tri I'm constantly sick and my back is in bits. You gone any where nice ? Xx
Just over to West Wales, hubby's family have a static caravan over there so we go quite often!
Yeah, my sickness has ramped up again as well, I don't know what's going on!
I'm thinking of going to the doctors to have my bloods done to make sure I'm not anemic or anything! Xx
Aw no hope you’re feeling better soon!

I had a horrible sickness and diarrhoea bug last week which completely floored me! I was in bed for days. It was so hard. I even had to delay my 16 week appointment until this wee k but like you say it was pretty pointless anyways.

can I ask, have you ladies had your maternity exemption certificate yet? I can’t remember when you get it and I forgot to ask the midwife x
No, I haven't had mine yet, I think my midwife said I'd get it at my 24 week appointment :think: xx
Ah great thanks!

So yesterday we went on a walk through the woods near us to a park. We were out for a total of 1hr 30m and omg I feel wiped out today! Im so tired haha. I think I need to start doing some exercise because surely this isn’t right?!? Lol. We did have a pretty full on day of playing etc too with it being Easter Sunday but we didn’t do anything other than our walk outside of our house x
I got mine at 12 week scan never had it that early before but she just gave it me there and then. I have my anatomy scan next week (19th) I'll be a day off 21 weeks then. You girls suffer with any migraines ? Omg I've had it all weekend nothings got rid of it we took girls to park yesterday to see if fresh air would help but it didn't. Hurts my head to even eat so listening to the girls been whirlwinds is evil lol. Keep suffering with bad nose bleeds too had one sat night woke to my pillow and face drenched in blood , been on asprin doesn't help it but boy when I have one it makes me head throb. Going to call midwife tomorrow and see if it's normal cos its driving me nuts. Really hoping I start feeling better soon and can start enjoying this pregnancy as I've asked to be sterilised once I've had baby xx
Awww no! I’ve not had migraines or nosebleeds but my husband suffers with migraines. The only way he gets better is going into a dark room and trying to sleep it off. Hope they go away soon!
Oh no I'm sorry, the migraines and nose bleeds sound awful! I've been getting day long headaches but not migraines!
But I have got to say ladies that I've been feeling much better the past couple of days, so hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel :pray:
I think I must have been having a huge hormone injection for little man to have a growth spurt because you can see from the outside when he kicks now, which is lush :) and I'm feeling a lot better xx
Lovely so glad your feeling better gives me hope your just a few weeks a head of me I think. I'm 20+1 today. Danny's not been able to feel little man yet but I'm feeling bigger as the days go by my boobs are getting harder too which is hard trying to keep river away from them she thinks they are hers and her stress balls lol xx
I feel like I’m growing a lot too at the moment. Boobs and bump! Haha

I’m 19 weeks today <3 not long now until we find out the gender!
When is your scan again Sarah? I think everything has grown lol me thighs an ass lol. Do you have any feelings on what babba may be? Xx
My scan is Monday 24th at 5pm.

tbh I’ve always had a feeling that it’s a boy just because of how sick I felt in the first trimester whereas with my daughter Isabella I had no sickness whatsoever. But that’s my only reasoning why haha
Well I had bad sickness with willow from start up to labour even threw up mid labour and I'm same so far with this boy had none what so ever with river. He's deffo laying alot lower than the girls did his kicks feel just above me faff and I'm peeing for bloody England xx
Scan went really well, she kept calling him beautiful and perfect. Was in 45 mins doing all the checks. She's even wrote in my notes he's a very active baby cos he was just non stop the whole time in there... God help me lol. His lil hand and mouth and nose tho :-D

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Scan went really well, she kept calling him beautiful and perfect. Was in 45 mins doing all the checks. She's even wrote in my notes he's a very active baby cos he was just non stop the whole time in there... God help me lol. His lil hand and mouth and nose tho :-D

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Ah, yes, he does look absolutely perfect and beautiful :)
Our scan took ages because we've got a little wriggler too :help:
I'm not far ahead of you at all, I'm currently 22 weeks plus 3 days, due on the 20th of August, so just 11 days different, really close :) xx
Well they are inducing me with me been high risk so could be similar to you they haven't said when they plan on it yet although not looking forward to been messed with I want him to come on his own. It was strange cos he was moving none stop the whole scan yet I didn't feel him my placenta is behind him too so not sure why I didn't feel him. She left the room for 5 mins to let me just lay there hoping he would chill so she could get a pic of his heart although she had seen it she wanted it for the notes xx
Yeah, same, it's so weird seeing them moving so much and not being able to feel it isn't it! But I think he's definitely had a growth spurt since then as he's really giving it some now and you can see his kicks from the outside! Xx
Ahhh how wonderful its beautiful seeing that until it becomes uncomfortable of course. I'm wondering if mines starting to go thru one as yesterday and today so far I'm soooo hungry you can't fill me where as before I've had no appetite and been full pretty much as soon as I start. He only weighs roughly 1lb at moment tho. Danny's ordered me a belt it's coming today from amazon I cant wait my spd is really hurting my legs don't want to walk its evil doing school run and pushing a pram he's so low it feels like he's guna fall out the pressure is immense. Apart from all that i finally feel so much better in myself my sickness is much better I can go days with out been sick and then ill have a day or 2 of been sick and then it's gone again so I'm happy about that but you did say you felt better too didn't you ? X
Yeah, I'm feeling ok, I just really struggle to clean my teeth so I'm sick most evenings but I'm just shattered more than anything now xx

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