No symptoms at all for me today - nothing I can really associate with being pregnant anyway.
VERY tired this morning and was yawning like hell in spinning, but tbh thats not unusual
The only thing thats unusual is the continued dull back ache. Few little twinges, but nothing to write home about after that cramping session yesterday.
Said I would test Tuesday
.....Sunday is basically Tuesday right?
And Friday is basically Sunday right
We are all poas addicts! I did one today because I have sore nipples! No idea what possessed me I knew there was no chance! Dont even know when/Id i ovulated this month!
I would do it tomorrow but oh is on nights (I want him to be here when I test) and Saturday I am going to my friends for the millionth bbq this summer and drinks, so the next oppurtunity is Sunday.
Please reassure me that having a few drinks on Saturday is ok? I already feel really sh*t about it and even oh, for the first time ever, actually asked when I am testing and he even mentioned about the drinking on Saturday
which made me feel really guilty
I ended up saying back to him 'alcohol doesn't get near the baby for the first few weeks' (read that on here)
God I am worrying and I might not even be pregnant