***August 2018 Testing Thread***

Ok, I showed it along with the others to my husband and at the first time (watching just the 10DPO) he said "I can't see nothing" but when I showed them all together he said "you are right, there is something there".....omg, maybe I am not crazy! I need to buy some more FRER and see what will happen in the future few days :clover: :dust:

If a bloke can see it, then i reckon its a given :lol:

FX :dust:
I think i can see something too, crumble! Fx it turns into an unmistakable bfp in the next day or two x

Im about 5-6dpo today and still feel awful. Feeling really down and deflated, tummy is uncomfortable, exhausted ...
Starting to feel silly about thinking this could happen on our first cycle trying:wall2:
A week before my original expected period date. I got a bfp with Logan by now when I was pregnant with him but I must have ovulated earlier :(
Sorry if I can't message much til Tuesday becuase I am in Turkey and have no 4g!!! Looking very positive though crumble, I can see a little glimpse of a line :clover: keep testing and let's hope it keeps getting darker!!!! <3
IMG_20180815_113556_1.jpgI didn't want to wait and this is what I got....no doubt, I am out. It was an evap.
I decided I don't want test anymore until AF doesn't show up, this is for this cycle and for the future. It is too destroying when your hope goes up and then isn't the case. I either had an argument with my husband today as he seems to be the one with the period lately. Definitely not a good time for me today, sorry. I am feeling very down at the moment, so I will focus to unpack and tidy my home.
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View attachment 80521I didn't want to wait and this is what I got....no doubt, I am out. It was an evap.

Those digital tests need much more hcg crumble! You’d need an obvious line on a normal test to get a positive on one of them! Honestly you are not out yet, give it a few more days, the line on your other test wasn’t dark enough to get a positive on a digital yet regardless of whether it turns out to be an evap or not, if that makes sense! X
View attachment 80521I didn't want to wait and this is what I got....no doubt, I am out. It was an evap.

Those digital tests need much more hcg crumble! You’d need an obvious line on a normal test to get a positive on one of them! Honestly you are not out yet, give it a few more days, the line on your other test wasn’t dark enough to get a positive on a digital yet regardless of whether it turns out to be an evap or not, if that makes sense! X

I just feel I want to cry.....
10dpo is still very early to get a positive at all let alone on a digi. Hang in there crumble. But give it at least 48 hours before you test again hcg takes 48 hours to increase I read somewhere.

Good luck. You ain't out until the witch shows her face x
Thank you girls, I just had a cry and I feel already better....kind of. I was reading that digital tests needs 25 mlu to get a positive, a FRER needs 15 mlu, so I think I need to wait and see what happens. Sorry to be so negative today...I think is all the stress from the moving and from my husband's "period".....I am usually a positive person, but I am having one of those day.
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View attachment 80521I didn't want to wait and this is what I got....no doubt, I am out. It was an evap.

Those digital tests need much more hcg crumble! You’d need an obvious line on a normal test to get a positive on one of them! Honestly you are not out yet, give it a few more days, the line on your other test wasn’t dark enough to get a positive on a digital yet regardless of whether it turns out to be an evap or not, if that makes sense! X

I just feel I want to cry.....

You are definitely not out yet, it’s still so early, this is the thing with testing early it’s so exciting to see the start of your bfp but it’s gutting if it’s a bfn, sometimes I wonder if it would be better for all of our mental states if these early detection tests didn’t exist! X
Oh crumble! Hugs to you hunny.

But like i said before, your still 5 days away from AF potential arrival, you are b no means out just yet. At 10dpo you'd never expect to see a positive digi, unless it was twins (high hcg). As mentioned, hcg can take anywhere from 48 - 72 hours to double. If you can hang on til AF due date then do, but if not try not to test again til friday at least.

I do see something on that test, and i really hope it's not an evap. I know all to well the heartache your feeling, the amount of times my heart broke when ttc my youngest :(

Loads of hugs and baby dust being sent your way xxx
Don&#8217;t lose hope Crumble.

I am out this month AF has shown up TODAY! After all my positive signs too, I feel like a right fool.
My cycles haven&#8217;t settled since having my implant out and vary in length from 25-30 days!
I had a positive on an OPK 2 weeks ago on Friday!
I&#8217;m using flo, has anyone got any other suggestions of better apps to track?
Thank you girls, I just had a cry and I feel already better....kind of. I was reading that digital tests needs 25 mlu to get a positive, a FRER needs 15 mlu, so I think I need to wait and see what happens. Sorry to be so negative today...I think is all the stress from the moving and from my husband's "period".....I am usually a positive person, but I am having one of those day.

I'm sorry to hear you are having a rubbish few days and playing this game is certainly messing with my head so I can only being to imagine how you are feeling having tested and feeling sh#t on top of it all.

I honestly thought I was a perfectly rational person until the past two weeks. I used to make lateral flow tests (same as pregnancy tests) for drugs of abuse testing in my former career. I did it for 10 years too so I know all about the science of how they work, the pink is gold labelled antibody that will stick to a sprayed line on the nitrocellulose (white bit) and only when there is enough will it stick on the line. Our tests used a machine reader - simply because it is all too subjective trying to look at a line that is or isn't there.

Even though I know ALL of this,my ttc head is firmly on and I'm sure I will test tomorrow 5 days early and make myself sad or convince myself of something that is or isn't. It just all seems so unfair. I know really i should wait until next week so as not to put myself through heartache, but again, I'm sure I will end up testing.

Guess I'm saying it's crap, completely crap and we know we will potentially be setting ourselves up for a roller coaster of emotion, we just can't help it.

Scientist in me says it isn't over yet xx
Don’t lose hope Crumble.

I am out this month AF has shown up TODAY! After all my positive signs too, I feel like a right fool.
My cycles haven’t settled since having my implant out and vary in length from 25-30 days!
I had a positive on an OPK 2 weeks ago on Friday!
I’m using flo, has anyone got any other suggestions of better apps to track?

I am so sorry for you , big :hug:
I use ovulation calculator and I found it easy and clear
Don’t lose hope Crumble.

I am out this month AF has shown up TODAY! After all my positive signs too, I feel like a right fool.
My cycles haven’t settled since having my implant out and vary in length from 25-30 days!
I had a positive on an OPK 2 weeks ago on Friday!
I’m using flo, has anyone got any other suggestions of better apps to track?

oh no! Sorry the witch got you :( Hopefully this cycle was just a practice run and next cycle will be your month!

I use fertility friend. There is a free version and a paid version. To be honest i have the paid version as it gives you an anaylsis of your cycle, however, the free version is equally as good for tracking everything. It has options to track either or all of cervix, cm, opk, monitors, ferning, bbt etc and theres options to put in additional info like medications, exercise, ov signs etc. It displays a calender so you can see what date/cycle day your on but if you bbt chart it also shows you your info in a chart so you can see the incline/decline in temps :D

Thank you all girls for your support, I don't know what I would do without you all <3
Aww Cruble sorry to hear you are having such a touch day. We are at the exact same point and I tested yesterday with absolutely nothing showing up. I am refusing to lose all hope tgough. Still very early. I will hold out until fri or Sat xx
Aww Cruble sorry to hear you are having such a touch day. We are at the exact same point and I tested yesterday with absolutely nothing showing up. I am refusing to lose all hope tgough. Still very early. I will hold out until fri or Sat xx

Lots of :dust: for us xx
Crumble - like the other girls said your not out until AF arrives.
try to wait another 48 hours before doing another test.
Sending you lots of baby dust :dust: my fingers are crossed for you. x

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