***August 2018 Testing Thread***

Ahhhhhh crumble!!!!! I have everything possible crossed for you!!! I'm too scared to test again now and i leave for Turkey today. If af stays away then I will be testing on the 21st. Sooooo much :dust: for you!!!
Welcome Radleycat and microbug.

This forum has been the best thing ever this last few weeks from finding out I was pregnant and in shock to having a mc and now trying again. You’ve all made this rollercoaster so much easier to deal with and stopped me going insane. I also love how positive everyone is. There’s far too much negativity online and in the media, it’s nice to see women empowering and helping other women for a change.

Also... anyone had a big blob of cm (sort of thick and creamy?) But then dried up? 10dpo now... had it yesterday evening following the bfn in the morning. It didn't have any blood in it or anything so not sure why I got that... strange!

Me :wave: i had it once at i think 6dpo, so could be a good sign <3

Ooooo yay thanks... maybe it's a good thing then :) xxx
1-2 DPO today (CD17), AF type cramping pains and tmi but wind :( x
1-2 DPO today (CD17), AF type cramping pains and tmi but wind :( x

I&#8217;m 4-5 DPO today (CD21 of 28) and I&#8217;ve been having twinges and cramps in my lower tummy, gas and poops since I ovulated :eh:

I ovulated two days later than I thought so I&#8217;m not sure if my period will be delayed by two days as I have no idea when I actually do ovulate. It could be I have a short luteal phase and never known about it. I&#8217;ll probably test on the weekend and then take it from there ...
my last pregnancy I got a bfp a whole week before I was due so who knows!
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It sounds like we're all experiencing similar symptoms! OH suggests they could be in my head but how can you imagine wind :blush: haha
Thanks girls, I am in the middle of the moving, sorry if I am not writing much but I am reading any now and then
Ps I can't wait this move is finished, the removers are horrible lol
It sounds like we're all experiencing similar symptoms! OH suggests they could be in my head but how can you imagine wind :blush: haha

Hahaha, yeah that's one symptom that can't be in your head! Hopefully we are all leading up to our BFPs, finishing August thread on a high! The next 12 days are going to drag I kmow it! I will most likely test at 10DPO, as that's when I got BFP when ttc my daughter. X
Funny, the tall about wind makes me giggle. Husband was not impressed with my efforts last night - can't say it's a symptom specifically as I'm known to be the windy one but flipping eck!

No symptoms for me today. Starting to think I imagined it all. Roll on Thursday for the early test hey.
Hahaha well it's true! And if we are pregnant then we have 9 months of it... get used to it OH's! Hehehe
I am 9dpo (I think) and cd30. AF due on Sat. Very strong cramps today and dodgy tummy resulting in quite a few trips to the bathroom this morning. Im hoping and praying but just have this feeling I cant shake that this month is just not my month. Gutting as this was the last month we could conceive and go on the big family villa holiday next July. We have stupidly paid a big deposit too but just not sure I would want to take a 7 week or less baby abroad x
1 or 2 dpo and got a heavy aching down below... But that could be because of all the BD'ing lol.

I've broken out in the odd spot but, my god the wind!! Terrible! Having said that, it's nothing out the ordinary really. Just extra potentent lmao

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Welcome and good luck to all the new ladies!

Hlouisebaby I had a big glob of creamy cm around 6 or 7 dpo and dried up after. I then got a very faint bfp at around 11dpo!!

I'm 14dpo, officially waiting for the witch to show up... I hope she doesn't but I've taken an IC this morning and it was a bfn... I'm feeling crampy so am pretty sure AF is on it's way. X
Welcome and good luck to all the new ladies!

Hlouisebaby I had a big glob of creamy cm around 6 or 7 dpo and dried up after. I then got a very faint bfp at around 11dpo!!

I'm 14dpo, officially waiting for the witch to show up... I hope she doesn't but I've taken an IC this morning and it was a bfn... I'm feeling crampy so am pretty sure AF is on it's way. X

I guess we're all completely different and that really shows in symptoms. I really hope AF stays away for you :)
Told my husband that I've been feeling a bit cramps and off colour. Gets me to do a uti dip - looks like it might be that. Ffs
Told my husband that I've been feeling a bit cramps and off colour. Gets me to do a uti dip - looks like it might be that. Ffs

Even if it is a uti, doesn't rule out pregnancy too!! Stay positive :) <3 hope the infection clears soon if it is one

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