***August 2018 Testing Thread***

That opk looks very positive are they the one step ones?

Yes the one step brand. First one I’ve done so nothing to compare it to after the last few days. I just have a luteal phase this month then ...

Thank you for your opinions guys ❤️
Off eBay x


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Looking for advice on opks..

So today is CD16 of a near perfect 28 days cycle. I ordered some opks which arrived yesterday and although I thought I probably ovulated already this seems positive to me?
This is the only one I’ve done so far but I was sure I ovulated earlier in my cycles than day 16..

We DTD yesterday, as well as the 6th, 3rd and 2nd of the month, and not really much chance of doing it today as OH works shifts...

When I got pregnant with my first last year, I got a strong bfp a whole week before my period was due so I’m about confused about when i ovulate tbh..

Edit - another photo in brighter light

They are positive opks x
Mine it is different, I honestly believe you had some kind of fraud, where you bought them?
Mine it is different, I honestly believe you had some kind of fraud, where you bought them?

eBay and possibly, I brought these ones to watch my bfp fade when I had my miscarriage and they were fine then, so I brought more when we started ttc again the next month, had no problem with them that month, all negative, so brought more this month and had nothing but mixed results lol. I’m not testing early ever again anyway, learnt my lesson lol
Anyway, after your results I will always try a Fast response or a clear blue before to trust a positive on them lol
I ordered some sure sign tests that I was gonna do if AF was late and they came this afternoon so I will be keeping those for if she arrives late next month lol, the witch has defo got me this month anyway, it’s picked up now!
Dinkydizzy have you tried a better one? Are you sure you are not positive? ( I am always hoping you know) :dust:
I ordered some sure sign tests that I was gonna do if AF was late and they came this afternoon so I will be keeping those for if she arrives late next month lol, the witch has defo got me this month anyway, it’s picked up now!

Awwwwwwwww, I was hoping the one steps were right hun, so sorry :hug:
Ahhh thank you ladies, it’s only been 12 weeks since I had a late miscarriage though so to be honest I wasn’t expecting miracles this quick, means a lot xxx

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