One step! They come in a pink packet, Ive got some upstairs Ill take a picture and post itDinkydizzy what brand are they??
One step! They come in a pink packet, Ive got some upstairs Ill take a picture and post itDinkydizzy what brand are they??
That opk looks very positive are they the one step ones?
One step! They come in a pink packet, Ive got some upstairs Ill take a picture and post itDinkydizzy what brand are they??
My one step are all in a white packet
One step! They come in a pink packet, Ive got some upstairs Ill take a picture and post itDinkydizzy what brand are they??
My one step are all in a white packet
One step! They come in a pink packet, Ive got some upstairs Ill take a picture and post itDinkydizzy what brand are they??
My one step are all in a white packet
Mine are in white packet too and they look different that the one in the picture
Looking for advice on opks..
So today is CD16 of a near perfect 28 days cycle. I ordered some opks which arrived yesterday and although I thought I probably ovulated already this seems positive to me?
This is the only one Ive done so far but I was sure I ovulated earlier in my cycles than day 16..
We DTD yesterday, as well as the 6th, 3rd and 2nd of the month, and not really much chance of doing it today as OH works shifts...
When I got pregnant with my first last year, I got a strong bfp a whole week before my period was due so Im about confused about when i ovulate tbh..
Edit - another photo in brighter light
One step! They come in a pink packet, Ive got some upstairs Ill take a picture and post itDinkydizzy what brand are they??
My one step are all in a white packet
Ive seen those ones, have they ever been abit dodgy for you?
Mine it is different, I honestly believe you had some kind of fraud, where you bought them?
I ordered some sure sign tests that I was gonna do if AF was late and they came this afternoon so I will be keeping those for if she arrives late next month lol, the witch has defo got me this month anyway, its picked up now!
I got mine off amazon the opks